Excuse #……
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There’s always an excuse for not attending a game at Cajun field. But these same people will do whatever they can to make it across the basin or find a tigger watch party on that same Saturday. Disgusting
We should monetize the hell out of everything... except parking. Damn right, C4L. You said it best. Make it a party. Throw the doors open.
The principle is: we used to get a parking pass with our RCAF membership. Since they took the only perk that I used, I reduced my membership. This is because there was already most of Cajun Field empty at that time. Now there is even more because I believe a lot of people feel the same as I do.
Its simple supply and demand. There was not a supply problem. We always had plenty of parking area unused at Cajun Field. Now we have even more. I would completely understand going up or taking away the RCAF parking pass perk if there was not enough room for parking. But that is not the case.
Again, supply and demand. We were one of the 1st groups in line during the Bustle days when they started charging for tailgating. At that time, it was a fight each week to get the spot that we wanted to tailgate. The demand was high. Now, not so much.
I dont have the exact numbers but I would be willing to be that RCAF memberships have dropped in total. Have no idea if the RCAF revenue is up or down.
This shouldn't be that hard. Passes are $60, or $10/game. You don't want to buy a whole season pass? Fine, but single games are $20.
The question is how to manage the parking lots filling up. Again, easy...you put a disclaimer on there that says "if you haven't entered the parking lot 45 minutes before game time, your spot is not guaranteed and no refunds will be given."
Interesting data here. We had the largest drop attendance between 2021 and 2022 in any school in FBS. We have the 7th largest drop compared to 5 year attendance average (which, the 5 year numbers are abnormal based on the covid year, but still worth something for trend tracking).
It wouldn't make sense to say that the drop from 2021 to 2022 had something to do with covid (2020), FDJT videos (20...17?), or BLM (2020).