You're being way too diplomatic Scottsman… I've had enough of the trolls and plan on doing something about it… Time to crack some skulls
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You're being way too diplomatic Scottsman… I've had enough of the trolls and plan on doing something about it… Time to crack some skulls
AKA "we don't talk baseball and softball in Ruston because our teams are so bad that they're almost non-existent."
Let's talk basketball then. How did the Dawgs fare against our Cajuns this season and last season?
Or how about the crown jewel of Louisiana Tech athletics, women's basketball? I believe we beat you in that sport, too.
You sit here thumping your chest about your football program, but the only recognition that you have recently gained in that sport is the fact that your genius administration declined a bowl bid.
And you say that we want to be like you? Please don't insult my intelligence.
Ignore List is my friend.
Speaking of fat camp, the Techsters have gotten a little too excited about their 1st round NIT win
Remember a long time ago when LTUR's prize program was their woman's basketball team? Way back then, old BLUballs would have been holding the value of that program to LTUR ahead of their football program. Now, their Lady Techsters are no better than our Cajun women, and will soon be sucking our hind tit. LOL!!! Their baseball and softball programs don't even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as those here at UL. Also, lets not forget that the Cajun men's basketball team is 2-0 against the CUSA Champion puppy dogs the last two seasons.
Apparently old BLUballs can only hang his hat on one game in one sport. That must really suck.
By the way, did I mention that UL is 27-8 against LTUR in all sports in the last 10 years?
So let me make sure I am getting this straight…
Recently in the news, LTUR has been accused of having frats singing racist chants…
Recently on Twitter, LTUR has been accused of making ill advised "jokes" about a certain team not having a football program...
Quasi recently in the news, LTUR has been accused of killing their second mascot in less than a decade…
LTUR has beaten us once in the past decade in football, and dodged us in every other instance, yet beats their chest over a victory that even surprised their own fans…
LTUR has beaten us ZERO times in MBB or WBB in the past couple years…
LTUR gets skull drug every time they play us in Diamond sports…
LTUR fans flock here for entertainment purposes because there is nothing to do in Rustonia (except their sister)
LTUR brings more fans to Lafayette for a football game then they put in their own stadium (again an example of how lame it is in Rustonia)
So now the real question is… does LTUR have any positive impact on society, or are they just the dregs of Louisiana, giving the state a horrible stigma?