The negotiations were to get Tulsa and Smu into the NO Bowl. With the Houston loss, things might just have fallen our way now. Marshall is a much better fit in a bowl on the east coast, Beef O' Brady Bowl is a good fit.
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And then this airhead of a "reporter" decides to ask the USM coach right after the game, "What about costing the conference millions?"
Go to 1:04 mark.
Our media these days (with the exception of Jay and the gang!) is pretty much useless, from "news" reporters to sports.
Either SMU or Tulsa would be great opponents for fan interest. Both would be great tests, too. I saw Tulsa twice on TV and they looked pretty darn good.
Will it be Jay Bird or Stevie P----What about mr Bitter---Parrot---Cajun T----What about the DA guys---Will it come from NO----Some say SMU or Temple now that the pieces are fitting---I hope SMU although they are a lil red!!! OOOps forgot T-Bine!!!!
I know.
You are asking who will get the Big East invite, right?
Patience's been 41 years we can wait another few hours : )
But I'm with you bring on the Pony Express!
I want SMU!!!
I love SMUckers.
How long before the nat media picks up on the death penalty comparison?
May be the best opponent to get Douglas and the Nerds a half time interview.
Nothing new about the Cougars laying eggs.
I remember UL beating the crap out of the Cougars in RIcky's fourth season. They had a 20 point lead and we took that game over. After the game the press, and media wanted that coache's head. Their biggest rant was his inconsistent. He is not there now, but he Cougs were lucky they did not lose a couple more like the LTU game.
USM coach had every right to go off on that reporter, instead of rejoicing with the Golden Eagles the reporter tried to bring him down.
Isn't Art Briles, the coach at Baylor, the guy who coached UH when they fell to us?
SMU should generate a lot of excitement. I can see this game going over 50,000 people.
I hope it's not Marshall but that's looking like a possibility. SMU would be awesome.
got my call at 10:42 this morning (sunday) morning to pick up my nine tickets. ready to go now for sure!!
Hopefully they're not going to wait for the final BCS standings to come out before the N.O. Bowl sends out their invitation!! Personally I want SMU. I believe they would bring the most fans. .~..~..~.
Press conference at 1 pm Monday. We'll know before then.
Won't be Marshall
Yes! No Marshall..
Marshall will play FIU