[QUOTE=SlickRick;1317352] He hasn't been in 25+ years.
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I personally know Rick and he is a first class guy.
Yes Rick, look at what's happening around college football today. Has it been a problem for Appalachian State, Houston and other successful G5 programs? This is the present state if college football and any coach that comes to UL with the intentions of retiring scares the hell out of me.
……..ok, now it happens or continues to happen….CBN is gone to Fla and who gets on that staff? Any from existing staff…..got to be some based on friends, performance, need, luck…….sad for those let go without a place to go……who gets the UL gig? From staff or outside……inside hire questions who is kept from members not going to Fla…..sad to be let go, but it happens…..what about outside hire? Who is kept from present staff and who is kept around to be checked out or used in recruiting…….who is the head guy between after game Sat and after bowl? Will new staff help with Bowl game….it will be a blue holiday for some and a life change for others……but what a plus on their record of working with CBN and the lessons in life gained! Been there, done that! Waiting for some guesses of new guy!!!
Going further back, and also in our conference, Arkansas State. Staying on top at the G5 level is just as, if not more, difficult than the P5. Would it slow down if we were a P5 program, some, but look at Matt Campbell, Dave Aranda, James Franklin, Lane Kiffin, etc getting listed for a ton of upper-level P5 jobs.
If we have a successful coach, and he is relatively young, then yes I think 4 years may be the MAX, we can expect to keep them.
App has a long history of winning, we don't. They have a hard core fan base, we don't. Houston is in a mega city with a billionaire benefactor, we don't.
We would need to stay in the top 25, like Boise did to really have a shot at moving on from the G5. Saying and believing Lsu is our rival is what's needed. CBN staying was likely out last chance. He was our unicorn. That's how I see it. And, I still think it's ____ty to announce before our biggest game.
This is the first time we’ve had a coach leave UL and go to a bigger, more successful program instead of downgrading to a smaller school or league. This is just the beginning and we’ve got so much to be grateful for. Geaux Louisiana!!
Responded to T. Agreed with concerns of a coach, let’s say like Viator, who left McNeese for the salary bump at ULM, enhancing his state retirement as an apparent primary goal. Was the hook ULM used and look how it worked out.
That was McNeese’s MO years back and why so many h/s coaches loved them.
Jerry Simmons, J. Kelley Hall, Yvette Girouard and now Billy Napier are the only head coaches in my lifetime to leave UL for a better position.
I think people need to keep it all in perspective… Lincoln Riley just left OU for USC. There are very few programs in college football where a coach will retire there as a winning coach. That’s why it is so important to have a high level AD in charge. This didn’t surprise Maggard one bit. He’s prepared. Does this suck? Yes. Is it the end of the world… not even close. The team down the street has been looking for six weeks and still doesn’t have their guy. We are in good hands folks.
Correct. And Arkansas State hired Jones, not the same model they had success with in the past.
I'm not interested in any Coach that wants to interview here and has no plan on how to continue the success we've had over the past 3 seasons, and a career path with goals for his next destination.
Boomer is correct!
Bobby Pascal and Jesse Evans left for jobs they thought were better.