A couple of recent pics: the liner building is going up pretty slowly, if you ask me. But I was really taken a-back on how big the garage is looking: it looks big even from the St Mary/Girard Pk dr intersection...
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A couple of recent pics: the liner building is going up pretty slowly, if you ask me. But I was really taken a-back on how big the garage is looking: it looks big even from the St Mary/Girard Pk dr intersection...
Came across some renderings of the garage. First view I've seen of the 'liner building' which will house lab space for the Engineering/Architecture folks. I like the look...
They are about half way finished with the erection of the prefabricated prestressed concrete elements. Looks like they wanted to finish the erection against Rougeou Hall so they could open the sidewalk.
This photo is taken from behind Madison Hall. Rougeou Hall is to the left. Soon to be demolished Stokes A and B is to the right just peeking out from the new parking garage structure.
july-6-10 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr
Another view from McNaspy field.
july6-11 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr
A final view from Girard Park.
july6-12 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr
This parking garage will be huge. Photographs do not do it justice.
Brought my son and my folks to campus yesterday. Dad attended in 69/70 and couldn't get over how much the campus has changed. I told him I can't believe it either and I finished in 2010. (13 yr plan)
And yes, if you haven't seen the new tower...it's huge
They should have raffled off tickets to "nuke" Stokes to old residents of that prison....I mean dorm.
I lived in McC. Thank God it was destroyed along time ago!
I loved my rooms in the old Caffery dorm. Louvered windows, four bedroom suite with a center bath, and a breezy porch. Spent the first few semesters in the two towers from hell. Roy was a similar dorm to Caffery only further back.
Used to lunch with current Arkansas track coach John McDonnel. If my memory serves me right he ran the two mile and a lesser race. Boy he could pack away the carbs as lunch. They served Fritos every thursday, and it was right after Zoo Lab and the formaldehyde odors still lingered in my throat. Took thirty years before I could enjoy a Frito again.
Best cross country and track coach ever! And it ain't close.
Progress on the lab/class space continues
Are they finished with the prefabricated pre-stressed concrete elements? It would be nice to see the whole structure.
I plan on going back this afternoon, and will take some of the parking garage section.
Well, didn't make it out there today, but found this on the UL Facebook page
Looking good, a welcome addition to the campus.
The have begun demolishing stokes
And work on the classroom continues
As well as the garage part; it seems to be nearing completion. And it can't be said enough: this is a really big structure......pics don't do it justice.
They have about two weeks of work left to complete the erection of the precast prestressed concrete components.
This is a view from the top of the Olivier Parking Tower.
A view from the side of Oliver Hall.
Completing the brick veneer on the laboratory portion of the building. (Not a very good job though as they have mortar on the face of the brick. They will waste a lot of time cleaning this off).
The Lewis Street facade .
The view from what was McNaspy Stadium field.
This building will be really really really really really big.
Stokes Hall Building B
A front row view from Stokes Hall Building A (although not for long.)
Cribbing and some old mattresses to protect a "hot" transformer.
great views, thanks
Great pics as usual, Helmut. Thanks