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On the last day to apply for the position of UL president, Joe Savoie ended speculation as to whether he would be a candidate.
Savoie, the state's commissioner of higher education, threw in his hat at the last minute Monday along with 10 other candidates, bringing the total number of applicants to 38.
Savoie's name has continued to surface since Ray Authement announced his departure, but the former UL director of development would not say whether he intended to apply for the post and leave his state position as a new governor takes office next year.
Steve Landry, UL vice president and one of at least three UL-connected applicants, said he wasn't surprised to hear Savoie is in the running.
"The conversation has reflected on the possibility of Savoie being a candidate," Landry said. "So it didn't come as a surprise."
As for Savoie, he said everyone applies believing they can contribute something.
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Amanda Bedgood
"And you put yourself forward as effectively as you can," he said.
In a cover letter submitted by Savoie and posted on the Web site devoted to the search, the Lafayette resident says the nomination for the position "represents a rare and intriguing personal and professional opportunity to return to work in my home region and serve my alma mater."
Savoie, who left UL in 1996, goes on to say that while UL has attracted many talented faculty, the university still has "considerable untapped potential."
Savoie is among ten new candidates who waited until the last day to apply for the position of UL president, bringing the total number of applicants to 38.
That list could be chopped down by Wednesday when the search committee meets in Baton Rouge to review applications in a public meeting. The board could also vote to extend the application period.
Unlike the first two search committee meetings, the Wednesday meeting is not an open forum for the public, although public comments will be allowed as with any regular board meeting.
Jackie Tisdell, the executive director of student development and communications for the University of Louisiana System said the first two meetings were aimed solely at garnering public input.
Thirty eight applicants have thrown their hat in for the post left empty by longtime UL president Ray Authement. Ten candidates applied Monday before the 5 p.m. deadline.
Committee member Jimmy Long said although the meeting is in Baton Rouge, the committee has been garnering opinions of people from the UL community and has members representing UL interests as both voting and nonvoting members.
Long said there is no guarantee that the committee will narrow the field of candidates during the Wednesday meeting. But, he would like to see a short list as soon as possible. That short list could include four to six candidates, he said.
"We want to get the short list fairly soon so we can start the interview process soon," he said.
The selection process has been an open one with names of applicants and their résumés released online, meetings posted on YouTube and public comments taken by phone and e-mail for consideration.
(Advertiser reporter Marsha Sills contributed to this report.)
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