Who is this guy? I'm not sure I know who you're talking about...Quote:
Originally Posted by VObserver
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Who is this guy? I'm not sure I know who you're talking about...Quote:
Originally Posted by VObserver
Check your private messages.Quote:
Originally Posted by spearchucker
Throws? Excuse me, but no UL track team ever made it to any NCAA meet in throwing events. Kinda like the worse part of track is FIELD. ARHHHH!Quote:
Originally Posted by VObserver
Nice article for an athlete who is jumping ship and transferring to a Texas school. He's seen enough of the tight discipline, exceptional workouts teaching running strategy and increased chances for breaking 10-flat in the 100-meters. Good ridance. Northside has yet to produce anyone of merit in track & field. Perhaps the Texas school can break that string. the best of luck to the 2nd smart`(The 1st quit and went to LSU 2 years ago when he saw the writing on the wall.) Now we see chapter two of the saga.Quote:
Originally Posted by NewsCopy
I commend those who havd headed in the right direction and I have compassion for those who have not had the great collegiate expereince that those before you expereinced. If yo look at the record books, UL track was all the things you mention going back to the 1970's and maybe before. For more than 30 years, UL track was all the things you mention until coach lascon died. Sinxe then, it's been straight downhill with excuses made for those at fault. If you are an athlete at UL then you know it is more than money. A lack of discipline and organization are the first two things that stick out. When people don't go to to practice, fail to complete workouts, fail to make it to meets, bickering with one another, fail to compete and complete events entered, smart off to everyone in sight, and coaches do nothing about it, therein lies the problem. Nice guys finish last and so has UL for four years. Time for across the board changes. Stay tuned, good news is about to come your way and the way of a couple of hundred alums who have seen the fruits of their labor crumble to nothing in the past four years.Quote:
Originally Posted by cajuntrack
You are right. In fact, there are none. All the more reason not to even consider a HS coach. Only a coach with recruiting ties to some JC's to kick start it and then to get atheltes with strong work ethics, size and more than 5th place in a class A Lousiana State Meet.Quote:
Originally Posted by VObserver
With all due respect, Iberia Parish has no one that this school should be considering, unless we want next to last place instead of last. All the Iberai coach has done is squeeze everyhitng form these kids in HS. How many have gone to an NCAA? THAT is the REAL measure.
I thought you knew a lot about UL track.. If you did, you'd know ther naming thing is a done deal. The only reminaing problem is getting folks like yourself used to pronouncing the word C-O-L-E before the word L-A-S-C-O-N):D :DQuote:
Originally Posted by VObserver
I know how to spell Cole. I even know who Bob Cole is. I also don't have a problem putting his name somewhere in there.Quote:
Originally Posted by houndoggy1
As for the rest of the garbage you spout, No one on this board has been talking about winning an NCAA championship, or sending people to the NCAA's. We have been talking about winning the conference. And without throws, we would never have won a conference meet. Not even when your hero Cole was here. We have scored a few points on the track in some years, but whether you like it or not, our championships have been won by folks who jumped somewhere or threw something.
Also, unless you happen to be psychic you don't even know who I was talking about in Iberia Parish. In any event, there are other considerations there which preclude his being hired [or applying for that matter]. Oh, and that was 10 consecutive years of no worse than 5th, 8 of which were 3rd or better, including a Championship.. He was also HC at a 4A school that was state runner-up twice, and at a Mississippi school which won a state title there.
Originally Posted by cajuntrack
"Defamation is "the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may harm the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government or nation." Louisiana is a jurisdiction thaqt does not tolerate such behavior and pushes its courts to deal liberally with this behavior.
The common law origins of defamation lie in the torts of slander (harmful statement in a transitory form, especially speech) and libel (harmful statement in a fixed medium, especially writing but also a picture, sign, or electronic broadcast), each of which gives a common law right of action.
The fundamental distinction between libel and slander lies solely in the form in which the defamatory matter is published. If the offending material is published in some fleeting form, as by spoken words or sounds, sign language, gestures and the like, then this is slander. If it is published in more durable form, for example in written words, internet postings, and the like, then it is considered libel.
The purpose of my message is to advise that your remarks regarding _____ ____ are deemed defamatory and make you subject to possible civil penalties imposed by juries when unable to support your comments with fact.
That being said, you are requested to retract your comments, and cause any copies of your remarks by other parties to likewise be removed.
By entering this website, you have mistakenly assumed that your identity is hidden. By refusing to retract your remarks publically, exposure of your identity will most certainly be forthcoming and appropriate civil action taken.
You shoule know that there is no defense when such utterances or written remarks are false.
Please act now to correct this careless act on your part. If you have any questions regarding Louisiana civil statutes, please direct your email to me at AcadianaLaw@lawyer.com , attention: Bennett C. Lyle"
Wrong. I went there twice in the 90's in the javelin throw. Eugene OR and Austin TXQuote:
Originally Posted by houndoggy1
4, houndoggy is just an a**hat with an agenda. He has no clue about how to actually win a conference meet, nor does he know anything about the history of the program. He THINKS he does, of course, but that's another story.Quote:
Originally Posted by cajun4ever
okay so you want to bash _____ ____, well I have known her for a very long time to know that her injuries date back to high school. for one, she has exercised enduced asthma. which means when it is cold, rainy with humidity, or when the grass is freshly cut, she has an attack. (how can you hold that against somebody?) 2. she has a missing L-5 in her back which she strained her sophomore year here which is the reason why she has quad/hamstring problems. 3. she has 3 stress fractures in her left foot and that is why she was on crutches. ( she wanted to try the intermediate hurdles and coach veazey allowed her. coming down on her left foot after jumping over the hurdles 3 months ago is the reason for her injury) i was with her in the training room when she got her MRI results from the trainers. oh and by the way, SHE DOES GO TO THE TRAINING ROOM EVERYDAY! her shoulder injury...she never had an injury...she slept on it wrong. i remember b/c she slept at my house. just stop talking about her. she did nothing to you.
another things, you are right about all the drama on the team. i was there when those things were said with the confrontation b/w the two athletes. what i meant was that we were more of a team with eachother. we were getting along more and were caring more how everyone did in competition. we have problems. it is apparent. we know.
****I had to delete the first part of my post (see top of page)*********Quote:
Originally Posted by cajuntrack
NOW, I'll tell you the kind of people I have respect for. I have 2 great examples. First is Luke Moody. For those of you that do not know Luke broke his leg (a clean break right through the skin) while high jumping at the indoor conference meet in 2006. Luke then had a metal rod placed in his leg and about 12 weeks later he began walking. Shortly after this Luke was trying to regain his fitness on the bike and in the pool. Luke trained his butt off. Luke did NOT look for excuses (he has a dang rod in his leg for Christ sake!). Instead, Luke looked for a reason to GET BETTER, the exact opposite of what most people, (can't mention name) included, do. Luke has had an impressive outdoor season this year after breaking his leg just over one year ago. Luke is one of the hardest working athletes out there. He is one of the first to show up, and almost always the last one to leave!
Secondly is Kayla Vice. Kayla signed her letter of intent at UL going into her senior year of high school track season. The week of her district meet Kayla tore her ACL while pole vaulting, which of course ended her season. Kayla had surgery just after tearing her ACL and began recovery. She wanted to prove that she is a great athlete. Then, during her freshman year at UL, Kayla was forced to undergo a SECOND surgery to repair her ACL. There were complications after the first surgery. Kayla trained her butt off and looked for a reason to excel. After months of rehab and months of non-stop pole vaulting, AND LESS THAN ONE YEAR after her SECOND ACL surgery, Kayla Vice WON the Sun Belt Conference Championship in the pole vault. With all of the odds against her, Kayla persevered and looked for a reason to keep going. She did not look for a reason to drop out of her workout.
HERE IS A POEM that my coach gave me in high school. I try to live by the words of this poem and I think it would be good for you to read it. It's called "NO EXCUSES".
Any excuse for non-performance, however valid, softens the character. It is a sedative against one's own conscience. When a man uses an excuse, he attempts to convince both himself and others that unsatisfactory performance is somehow acceptable. He is - perhaps unconsciously - attempting to divert attention from perfomance; the only thing that counts is his own want for sympathy. The user is dishonest with himself as well as others. No matter how good or how valid, the excuse never changes the performance.
The world measures success in terms of performance alone. No man is remembered in history for what he would have accomplished. History never ask how hard it was to do the job, nor considers the obstacles that had to be overcome. It never measures the handicaps. It counts only one thing - PERFORMANCE. No man ever performend a worthwile task without consciously ignoring many a plausible excuse.
To use an excuse is a habit. We cannot have both the performance habit and the excuse habit. We all have a supply of excuses. The more we usue them the lower become our standards, the poorer our performance. The better we perform, the less plausible our excuses become.
Next time you want to defend you sub-par performance, say instead (at least to yourself) NO EXCUSES!!!
Joel I appreciate your candor but I wish you had stuck to this statement a little more.Quote:
Originally Posted by JoelJP45
So, that make 4 people that are leaving the UL team? 3 distance runners and 1 sprinter? I wonder how many others will end up leaving, the next few weeks should be telling.Quote:
Originally Posted by houndoggy1
Well it is R M "Bob" Cole ----VOB did this coach once teach at VC?????
Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
And I bet the coach was in the trenches washing with you? Yeah, right! Or was he too busy riding around in his Mercedes?
<table bgcolor=#eaeaea> <td> <font color=#000000> <blockquote> <p align=justify>
Lance Veazey, UL's track and field coach the past five seasons, tendered his resignation earlier this week and will be accepting an athletic director position at a private secondary school in Houston.
Veazey's resignation is effective June 30, ending a tenure during which the Ragin' Cajuns won one Sun Belt Conference cross country title and was league runner-up once both indoors and outdoors. However, the UL program has struggled in recent years, finishing at the bottom in the Sun Belt outdoor championships in each of the past two seasons.
"It's been difficult at times," Veazey said. "It seemed like there was one thing after another with everything that's happened. We went through two seasons when the track was under construction and then the problems with the hurricanes. It's been very challenging times to say the least."
<center><p><a href="http://www.theadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070621/SPORTS/706210347/1006" target="_blank">The rest of the story</a>
Dan McDonald
The university has not officially announced Veazey's resignation, but UL interim athletic director David Walker said that the department will likely act quickly to fill the position since less than two months remain before the beginning of the fall semester.
Veazey will become athletic director at Emory Weiner Upper School, a private grades 6-12 school in Houston, effective Aug. 1. "It's a new challenge," Veazey said, "with coaches to hire and people to put in place before August."
Veazey's tenure as UL's head coach began under tragedy, when long-time Cajun mentor Charles Lancon died of a heart attack on April 13, 2002. Veazey had served as an assistant under Lancon for five seasons in his second stint on the Cajun staff, having served as a student assistant until his graduation in 1992.
The program was hit by more tragedy in Veazey's early years with the untimely deaths of athletes John Melvin and Ben Rodgers.
"All of that, and coming after coach Lancon, it was very difficult," Veazey said. "We had some success, but I do think that this will let some new life breathe into the program, allow them to go another direction and give them the opportunity to be successful."
Veazey helped UL dominate both the American South and Sun Belt Conferences in track as an assistant. UL's men and women both won indoor and outdoor titles in the final year of his first stint in 1993, and after coaching at Blinn College, Texas, and Southeastern La. he returned in 1997 and helped UL win its eighth straight conference outdoor title in 1998.
UL won the 2004 Sun Belt cross country title after finishing second in both the league men's indoor and outdoor meets that spring. The Cajuns, though, were last of 10 teams outdoors in both men's and women's competition in 2006 and recently finished ninth of 10 men's teams and 11th of 11 women's teams in the 2007 Sun Belt outdoor meet at Cajun Track.
"It was strictly my decision," Veazey said. "Mr. Walker and all the administrators have been very supportive, and Mr. Walker and I sat and talked about what's the best plan for the program. He's asked for a lot of my input on where we should go and I totally respect that."
Among possible candidates for the job are former UL and LSU assistant Boo Schexnayder, now in private business; former Blinn College and current Texas Tech assistant Steve Silvey, holder of 15 national titles while at Blinn; and New Iberia product and former Cajun pole vaulter Lon Badeaux, currently an assistant at Arkansas State.
</td> </table>
Good luck to Coach Veazey. It was a pleasure running under him, Coach Lancon, and Coach Lemaire.
Veazey was a nice guy(coach), but I feel that I am not alone in that it was time for a change! We need a more energy filled coach willing to do MORE fund raising and MORE aggressive recruiting, especially in the Acadiana area!!
Good luck to coach Veazey,
Exciting times are ahead for Louisiana Track and Field,
Hollis Conway are you a canidate or can you and the like be involved in the search.
More fundraising? Coach Veazey had more to do than Lancon. Let's just say, he wasn't put on a level playing field and had alot stacked against him.Quote:
Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
E-mail me at njbouterie@hotmail.com if you want more info. But let's just say, the statement that Coach Veazey should have done more to raise money is extremely easy to make if you don't know everything that was going on.
Email in route, hope I can help!Quote:
Originally Posted by Cajunrunner
Joel, Your open bashing remarks are the perpetual cancers that have plagued this program for the past four years and those which Silve despises in his program. Strap it on and get ready to defend your remarks. He has seen them, and has learned who you are and he is NOT a happy person. What a sordid first impression you have provided!