I wonder if this guy ever spent time in Jennings?
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I wonder if this guy ever spent time in Jennings?
I thought the same thing. The person that committed this crime is at fault, no doubt about it. But you can't impress upon young women enough that they cannot travel around alone and certainly not in the middle of the night. There are predators out there and regardless of how unfair it is, ignoring it or disliking it isn't going to make it go away.
Oiler, too often people do something once and are successful and then continue to do it believing that it is a safe practice. This wasn't the first time Mickey Shunick rode her bike at this hour. Unfortunately, she came face to face with an individual with sinister motives. Lafayette isn't the quiet town it used to be. We must be on guard at all times and make decisions that ensure our safety.
Classroom instruction usually 8 hours for new guys plus firearms range time to show proficiency. Application to state police, background check by state police or FBI, depending on state applied for. Of course$$$$ for application/background check.
Prolly not. The guy in Jennings preyed upon women of ill repute. And they were all meant to be found after he killed them. This guy is a rank amateur compared to the guy in Jeff Davis. You would be surprised the lengths they went to try and find the guy. They did some tracking on the FBI website profile of the guy, hoping they could catch the guy constantly checking his FBI profile. Apparently, that didn't work. They won't ever catch that guy.
I ride my bike in the same area (typically about the same route.) And because of the summer heat and because I'm usually too busy during the day I usually ride late at night as well. Even at a late hour you'll see lots of bike riders, walkers, and runners during a ride. Even with what happened with Mickey that area is safe. And I really don't think it was crazy for her to ride her bike through a really safe neighborhood with a can of mace in her pocket late at night. She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a very bad man happened to be driving by.
If Mickey hadn't rode her bike home that night Brandon Lavergne wouldn't have stopped. He would would have continued to look for another victim. And eventually he would have found some other girl who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time just like Mickey. And then everyone would be talking about how that girl was crazy to go running in a neighborhood/leave her drink unattended at a bar/stop and help a motorist on the side of the road, etc.
Everything we do in life is a risk. The risk of dying in a car accident is pretty damn high but that's a risk we are all willing to take. The risk of getting heart disease from eating bad food is even higher but almost all of us do it anyway. Mickey definitely took a risk by riding her bike home. But it wasn't any more outrageous than the risks I mention above.
Avoid risks that are reasonably avoidable.
Understand the point you are trying to make, but a pretty girl riding her bike alone at 1 am through a fairly big city is not on par with normal every day risks. By the logic of your post life is dangerous, so I should just leave my windows open at night, not wear a seatbelt, etc etc.....I mean life's dangerous, right.
As a parent (hell as a human) my heart aches for this girl and her family. Her killer bears the responsibility for what happened, but we shouldn't kid ourselves, what she did was foolish and unreasonably risky. She certainly didn't deserve to die from it, and at her age especially I took many much more dangerous risks and was lucky not to pay the price she has. That doesn't make it ok.
I am praying her family can find peace and that her killer is truly brought to justice.
Here is a short list of risks that are reasonably avoidable.
Flying in an airplane
Eating fast food
Riding in a boat
Driving over 35mph
Driving to a vacation spot
Going to a bar
Eating meat
Riding ATVs, Dirtbikes, or Mororcycles
Moderate physical activity
Riding a bike at night
Playing football
Drinking alcohol
Which of these are we supposed to avoid in your opinion?
I'm saying you have the right to take any risk you so choose. You might know that leaving your windows open at night is more risky than if they were closed. And if you live in a good neighborhood it's a very small risk. But if its a nice night outside and you want to take that risk then its your choice. And if the 1-1,000,000 scenario comes true and a murder comes in your window then you live with the tragic consequences. But it was far from a reckless decision and it certainly wasn't your fault that you got murdered. It was just a small risk on your part that had a really unlucky outcome.
When a motorcycle rider dies in a crash people don't come out and say things like "that guy had no business riding a motorcycle." When a child drowns tragically in the ocean people don't say "that kid shouldn't have been in the ocean." And it's unfair to say that Mickey shouldn't have been riding her bike at night. She took a small risk and she was really unlucky.
I know just decided not a topic I wanted to get into a back and forth over.
If this guy wants to think taking an airplane ride is on par with a tiny girl riding her bike alone at the witching hour then nothing I'm going to say is gonna convince him otherwise.
Sure I take plane fights, but I wouldn't fly in an ice storm. I drive a car, but I wouldn't drive at night through the ninth ward. I ride in a boat, but I wouldn't do it in a hurricane. And so on.
I believe those killings began while this guy was still in prison for his first sex crime.
Mickey's family deserves an explaination from The DA that cut a deal with this sicko for his first charge. He was originally charged with rape and cut a deal to get a shorter sentence. There should be no deals ever with sex offenders. If someone can commit rape they certainly are not above murder. This is a prime example.
Some risks are part of life and considered worth it for what is gained. Others...at least to me...are easier to avoid and NOT worth it when considering the reward. If you couldn't pick this one out of your list on your own, then I can't help you make such choices.
Some people drive drunk too but that doesn't make it a wise thing to do. Ask any cop if they think it's a good idea for a 22 year old female to ride a bike anywhere alone at 1:30 in the morning and see what they say.
Simple judgement skills. This incident is simply not in the category of "risks that are worth it". All over the country, when this crime was reported, most people's first question was "what was a 22 year old girl out riding a bicycle at that time all by herself?". She is not at fault for her decision. That piece of garbage is. But, this society needs to quit living in a fantasy world. Young women cannot casually walk the streets at all hours of the night. Too many movies depict young women (and kids) overpowering males. That is ridiculous fantasy. I don't care how many Karate classes young women take, they had better hope they never encounter a male with a bent intent.
Many on here are trying to impress on each other to make sure our kids and especially daughters are not naive enough to take these kinds of risks. We do not need dissention.
People go missing everyday; young and old, men and women, white/black/latino. It is tragic, and therefore important for us all to use common sense to be as safe as we can and not be naive to the dangers of the world. Lafayette is not Mayberry. I can only hope that justice prevails a fast as possible for the family.