thanks to cajun fans and ragin pagin!!!
From me and the Lights Out in Blackham team we say THANK YOU!
our first fundraising campaign on kickstarter closed out at 115% funding. We are now in the process of collecting mailing info for contributors so we can mail out rewards in the next 30 days. We asked and the cajun nation came through, for that we say thank you. Coach Shipley cracked a pretty big smile when i told him this afternoon. He also would like to extend his gratitude to all of you for still believing in him after all these years
Re: thanks to cajun fans and ragin pagin!!!
Re: Lights Out in Blackham
Originally Posted by
Several people said they had never seen the top 25 rankings from the early '70's, and at least one person had assumed they were top 25 small college.
The Cajuns were top 25 MAJOR COLLEGE. So I added links to them in the article... they're next to the SI cover picture.
Re: Lights Out in Blackham
Oh, and you guys and gals will love how they list us in the polls...
Re: Lights Out in Blackham
Originally Posted by
_ Oh, and you guys and gals will love how they list us in the polls... _
LOUISIANA - gotta love it!
Re: Lights Out in Blackham
yeah i had a pretty nice sized grin when i got the old SI issues in the mail
Re: Lights Out in Blackham
Originally Posted by
_ yeah i had a pretty nice sized grin when i got the old SI issues in the mail _
Coffee table shots would look sweet.
Re: Lights Out in Blackham
yeah i've been meaning to get some shots of em up, also if there is anything anyone thinks i should see. Old stuff with the bulldog on it etc. feel free to let me know
Re: Lights Out in Blackham
we'll be doing another crowd source type event in the coming months, we don't want to wear out our welcome with our fellow cajun fans though. Thanks for the interest. The only way this is going to be successful is if the ground troops are behind us 100%