Re: The Tigue in action at Russo Park (no video yet
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And I'm basing what I'm saying off a lot more than robes interview. I'm not speaking hypothetically on this. No I'm not gonna name sources but I'm telling you nothing about what is going on was ever the plan or at all normal delays or circumstances. This is an extremely time sensitive project, I don't care about what has happened on other projects...we have a short period of time to build a stadium to hold people with one of our best teams in years and they have royally screwed the pooch....if everything would have went according to their lie we still would have probably played first couple weeks not at the 5 weeks later here we are.
Ok...honestly I'm not even sure anymore what the issues are that you guys have heard. What are they exactly? And I'm not asking you for sources. Do we have the money now, but not enough? Was/how was the funding mishandled, etc.?
And please tell me if you think Robe was giving us misinformation because he is shielding his bosses, or if he is in the dark. And is Lemonie giving him false info about the delays, or is that part of Robes plan to shield his bosses?
Not having the info you have, I'm just trying to get a handle on what all the issues are, who's telling the truth, etc.
Re: The Tigue in action at Russo Park (no video yet
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He's not lying or covering up.....but there is plenty he's not saying.....there's a difference.
Ok...the last time I'll say this:
1) in the interview he lists a lot of issues with the foundation getting done as the reason for the lack of visible progress....I.e., no demo being done.
2) He also states confidently that the demo will start in two weeks.
So he is either misinformed or not telling us the truth. Neither of those seem like viable options to me, but that is my opinion and I certainly could be wrong.
What are you saying that he is leaving out? I don't need sources.....I just need to understand what I'm missing here.
Re: The Tigue in action at Russo Park (no video yet
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Lemoine doesn't have our money to do the project and neither do we currently and the clock is ticking rapidly...what else is there to say?
So robe was not telling us the truth when he gave that interview, or is he just not aware of it? He could've said far less, while not throwing anyone under the bus.....IMHO he would not have had to been so misleading or encouraging if the situation was/is so dire. That's the part I'm having trouble understanding and/or accepting, sorry. Guess we will just have to agree to disagree.
Re: Cajundome 'a giant mess' as renovations continue
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NTP has still not been given and the contract is calendar days Helmut.
Next hurdle will be ULS board. And that's not a gimme.
Hold on tight
So if the ULS board does not agree then this job is FUBAR. Who is Stewart?
Re: The Tigue in action at Russo Park (no video yet
He was stating what he was told when asked. Did they ask if construction was scheduled to start on June 17? Did they ask if 70% of the funds were there as mr. Farmer stated?
Re: The Tigue in action at Russo Park (no video yet
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So robe was not telling us the truth when he gave that interview, or is he just not aware of it? He could've said far less, while not throwing anyone under the bus.....IMHO he would not have had to been so misleading or encouraging if the situation was/is so dire. That's the part I'm having trouble understanding and/or accepting, sorry. Guess we will just have to agree to disagree.
Your being very dense. Robe is definitely not giving full disclosure. That doesn't mean he isn't telling the truth. I didn't listen to the interview. Did Robe say that the timeline isn't going to be a problem for next season??
When people who are in charge of the timeline tell you we are behind then we are behind. Starting demo in two weeks doesn't change that fact. Same people were told a NTP would be issued by the end of this week. Hasn't happened. I'm sure Robe believes demo will start in two weeks and if it does it won't surprise me. That doesn't change anything. We are so far behind at this stage that it is highly unlikely we are able to use the stadium until well into the season next year.
Luke Johnson with the Advocate has publically stated that he can't get any answers. Why do you think that is?
Re: The Tigue in action at Russo Park (no video yet
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He was stating what he was told when asked. Did they ask if construction was scheduled to start on June 17? Did they ask if 70% of the funds were there as mr. Farmer stated?
So again, this would mean that Lemoine has been and is lying to him....wouldn't it?
No, he was not asked anything about funding and he did not address it in anyway. I did find that odd, because that's what the rumors are all about here.....I Maybe BJ can comment on why funding was not discussed?
Re: The Tigue in action at Russo Park (no video yet
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Your being very dense. Robe is definitely not giving full disclosure. That doesn't mean he isn't telling the truth. I didn't listen to the interview. Did Robe say that the timeline isn't going to be a problem for next season??
When people who are in charge of the timeline tell you we are behind then we are behind. Starting demo in two weeks doesn't change that fact. Same people were told a NTP would be issued by the end of this week. Hasn't happened. I'm sure Robe believes demo will start in two weeks and if it does it won't surprise me. That doesn't change anything. We are so far behind at this stage that it is highly unlikely we are able to use the stadium until well into the season next year.
Luke Johnson with the Advocate has publically stated that he can't get any answers. Why do you think that is?
Well, I'm not sure how you can determine whether he is being forthcoming or not, when you never listened to the interview....but I guess that's just part of my denseness, lol. And no, he didn't say anything about when it would be completed, but stated in good detail that the delay has been the foundation issues.
I've never said that we are behind the the timeline....because the only facts I have to base that on would be the robe interview. And he freely admitted we are behind schedule, and why he thought this was.
I don't have your sources, and Robe did not discuss the NTP.
Finally, and based on Helmuts very knowledgeable posts, I'm not sure if we have all the info needed to determine how far behind we truly are, and when we can expect it to be completed.
Re: The Tigue in action at Russo Park (no video yet
Robe said that he's personally meeting with Lemoine once a week and if there was an issue, he would be the first one out front telling us. He said they've had a lot of delays because the guts are really old and they're having trouble determining what pipe connects to what and all that nonsense but he said that we should soon be seeing a lot of progress on the outside.