Re: UL Track- It's SO sad!
Originally Posted by Cajun Express
Tubine how long you gonna let some people defy the board rules?
This guy has broken several I know of:
The following rules are in place as a guideline to posters and administrators alike. Posts that exceed the guidelines will be deleted and aware posters who do not honor the guidelines will be banned.
:The rules are as follows:
Use of profanity or posting obscene content, or links to such, is not allowed.
Personal insults of players, coaches, or fellow posters are not allowed.
Settling of personal vendettas on the board is not allowed.
Calling for the firing of a coach during their season or during recruiting season is not allowed."
i'll be honest, i'm not a fan of track and field , but i am of the university. lancon was my coach in high school and i know the success he had @UL. what gets me about this post is that you are more concerned about some ridiculous rules on a message board than you are about the state of the program! i find some of the rules you posted a little absurd. maybe one that should be added is you must be more concerned about the program than you are about being a message board cop!
Re: UL Track- It's SO sad!
Originally Posted by jamesthejeweler
i'll be honest, i'm not a fan of track and field , but i am of the university. lancon was my coach in high school and i know the success he had @UL. what gets me about this post is that you are more concerned about some ridiculous rules on a message board than you are about the state of the program! i find some of the rules you posted a little absurd. maybe one that should be added is you must be more concerned about the program than you are about being a message board cop!
I am pretty sure everyone who needs to be fired will be fired.
No, I am not happy with the free fall of the track program, I am also not a fan of those who claim to fame is to call for others heads. Most of those people get real upset when they are called out for attention, and to think they are still unknown people, while they try to gather the peasents to charge the Frankenstein Castle. Grow up junior.:p :p :p :p
Re: UL Track- It's SO sad!
Originally Posted by Cajun Express
I am pretty sure everyone who needs to be fired will be fired.
No, I am not happy with the free fall of the track program, I am also not a fan of those who claim to fame is to call for others heads. Most of those people get real upset when they are called out for attention, and to think they are still unknown people, while they try to gather the peasents to charge the Frankenstein Castle. Grow up junior.:p :p :p :p
i never called for anyones head.......junior! uuhhh uuhhmmm excuse me, officer junior!
Re: UL Track- It's SO sad!
Originally Posted by jamesthejeweler
i never called for anyones head.......junior! uuhhh uuhhmmm excuse me, officer junior!
Per my hero to his son Junior, "Buford T. Justice: There's no way, *no* way that you came from *my* loins. Soon as I get home, first thing I'm gonna do is punch yo mamma in da mouth!" ;) ;) ;)
Re: Arceneaux a bright spot in poor Cajun outing
Originally Posted by cajun4ever
They did not win with speed on the track, never.
Wrong. Badon coached some jumps but also sprints. Boo coached jumps in the mid 90's. And we did win with speed and field events. You have to have speed to win the 4X100 4X200 and the 4X400 at the Drake Relays. Two hurdlers in the top three of most meets. Two 200 meter men qualified to the NCAA championships. It was a team effort. No team was even close because of the points scored in the field. Which half were football guys. The sprints finished it off and no one else had a chance. It was done and can be again, but not with this staff.
Contrary to popular opinion, hurdles is not a speed event. Like triple jump, javelin, discus or pole vault, hurdles is a technique event. The best hurdlers are fast, but Ben Rogers [for example] was an 11.5 or 11.6 hundred meter guy who scored every year he was here in the 110M hurdles. Incidentally, Lance Veazey is now and has been since he arrived, about half way through Lancon's tenure, our hurdles coach. He has done a pretty good job there, but it has fallen off since he has been head coach. That relay sweep at Drake was in Lancon's first or second year here. Once he got established, our scoring mix shifted strongly to the field.
Re: Arceneaux a bright spot in poor Cajun outing
Originally Posted by VObserver
Contrary to popular opinion, hurdles is not a speed event. Like triple jump, javelin, discus or pole vault, hurdles is a technique event. The best hurdlers are fast, but Ben Rogers [for example] was an 11.5 or 11.6 hundred meter guy who scored every year he was here in the 110M hurdles. Incidentally, Lance Veazey is now and has been since he arrived, about half way through Lancon's tenure, our hurdles coach. He has done a pretty good job there, but it has fallen off since he has been head coach. That relay sweep at Drake was in Lancon's first or second year here. Once he got established, our scoring mix shifted strongly to the field.
Half the field event guys were football guys? I challenge that statement. There were a few, but significantly fewer than half; and other than Rocky Guidry, Brian Soigner and Josh Jeorge [sp] none were really outstanding.
Re: UL Track- It's SO sad!
Ok, if you can do a better job then you go over there and take over. There is too much talking and not enough action. If money is the issue why not help them raise money, why not donate money, why not help out................The question is DO YOU HAVE A LIFE????? It is a fact that LANCE VEAZEY IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!!!!! I recall someone saying that UL tried to get Boo Schexnyder but would not pay him.I also recall a newspaper article where all the coaches' salaries were displayed......they have a hard time veazey 30k.....WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO GO TO ULL FOR THAT AMOUNT????? Once again..............LANCE VEAZEY IS HERE TO STAY YOU _____!
Re: UL Track- It's SO sad!
Originally Posted by Cajun Express
Tubine how long you gonna let some people defy the board rules?
This guy has broken several I know of:
The following rules are in place as a guideline to posters and administrators alike. Posts that exceed the guidelines will be deleted and aware posters who do not honor the guidelines will be banned.
:The rules are as follows:
Use of profanity or posting obscene content, or links to such, is not allowed.
Personal insults of players, coaches, or fellow posters are not allowed.
Settling of personal vendettas on the board is not allowed.
Calling for the firing of a coach during their season or during recruiting season is not allowed."
Please don't turn this board into cr@p like the delphi board:eek:
Re: UL Track- It's SO sad!
Originally Posted by Cajun Express
Per my hero to his son Junior, "Buford T. Justice: There's no way, *no* way that you came from *my* loins. Soon as I get home, first thing I'm gonna do is punch yo mamma in da mouth!" ;) ;) ;)
ok, ok, at least you have good taste in movies! all is forgiven.
Re: UL Track- It's SO sad!
Originally Posted by cajunfan96
Please don't turn this board into cr@p like the delphi board:eek:
those d.mned nazi's overthere!!!!
Re: The state of UL Track
You are truly a loser. How dare you name athletes as if they have anything to do with the personal problems you have with veazey. That was so low. You definitely have not helped this situation at all. Now think about it, you knew that the athletes were going to read this so what do you think you have done to their already low spirits? WOW, you have only made matters worse, but you know I will use it as fuel to feed the fire and i hope my fellow teammates do the same. Just to let you know I know who you are no-namer and we LOVE our coach. 99% of us love our coach to be almost exact while allowing you to feel better with 1%.
Frankly, I think you are just jealous, because i have not seen you out there trying to help since you care so much, if anything you are out there trying to stir things up. By the way some of those people who were last in a particular event do not even specialize in those events "Mr. I am going to make veazey look bad" b/c that is what this is all about.Why did you not name the other runners in that event who posted fairly good times of IMPROVEMENT.(thats what matters we are improving--it won't happen overnight ) Our coaches have faith in us and I believe that it is the only thing that is keeping us out there period. Thanks to you go ahead and pull everyone else with you --i guess we'll just have to have extra faith with in ourselves to show you. Look our coach might not be hard on us as some may want him to be, but no where or at anytime has that influenced our feelings toward him negatively. You are the one we dislike. Do you not think that we don't think about conference everyday?
Thanks for stressing us even more!! You are definitely out of line and should be an embarrassment to your self and disgrace to yourself if anything . OH SO IMATURE OF YOU YOU ARE TOO OLD WAY TOO OLD FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can want him fired if you want but i respect him so much b/c he does not have to put up with what you or anyone thinks, yet he has ,so it must be because he cares cause it isn't the MONEY ---- WE CAN DEAL WITH THAT , BUT WE CAN'T DEAL WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU CONSTANTLY BRINGING US DOWN!!! THERE IS A BOND YOU ARE TRYING TO BREAK SORRY TO TELL YOU IT CAN''T BE DONE!! SEE YOU AT PRACTICE TOMORROW BUDDY OL PAL.
Re: The state of UL Track
Originally Posted by No_Namer
A quick review:
I appreciate your passion, but you have to understand, it's not cool to call out a player by name.:(
How would you like it if I called you out by name and posted here negatively about your job performance at your work? Not cool, right?:ms07:
Give our atheletes the respect they deserve. You can be critical, just don't make it so personal.
That's my $.02