I took some time off of work today to drive over to Lafayette to pick up my tickets and shop at the bookstore. New Orleans bowl here we come!!!!!!!!! (typed with Coach Hud enthusiasm)
Sec 143 Row 10!
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I took some time off of work today to drive over to Lafayette to pick up my tickets and shop at the bookstore. New Orleans bowl here we come!!!!!!!!! (typed with Coach Hud enthusiasm)
Sec 143 Row 10!
Hyatt Regency 1 room one day. Will be able to mingle with all the Cajun Nation as they take over Champion Square.
143 Rows 16-17, seats 13-22 on both rows (20 in all)!
Great seats, sect 141 row 35 seasts 15-22.
I got mine today mine are not as pretty as what the guy posted above lol but they will still get me in the door. section 137 row 34 seat 25,26 see ya in New Orleans.
Six in section 141 row 10
Am I the first person to get 200 level seats?
Hilton Riverside
Just picked up my 17. Section 139 Row 21 and 22. Kinda in the corner but as long as There are other Cajun Fans around to slap hands when Gauttier hits Green for the BOMB I'm a Happy Cajun!!!
You are right in front of me. Sec. 139, Row 24, seats 19-24.
So has HUD gone to 2 bowls with the DOGS???? Which and where????
It's doesn't matter to me as long as I'm there and I'm sitting behind HUD coaching on the field!!!
It will look bad if we don't have more than 25K fans!
Some RCAF members not getting prime time seating can be looked at as a good thing. That tells me that all of the Cajun side of the field will be filled up on the first level. And this is three weeks before the game!
Not very many. It isn't even on the radar over here. There are far too many things competing for the entertainment dollar. I know people who get free tickets because of their membership in the Greater New Orleans Sports Foundation and they don't even go.
If we want lapsed UL Alum to come to the game, we have to bring it to their attention somehow. Alumni Association? Ad in the Newspaper?
Loge level (200-300) between the goal lines are the best superdome seats for viewing the game. IMHO.
I better hear some noise coming from back there!!!! I'll be the guy in Red hollering
It could be 16,000 requested...12,000 paid for/processed.
Either way, it would not be good if we did not get to 25,000. We've complained and anguished over not being able to attend a bowl for 40 years. We'd better step forward and hit that mark.