Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Student Fee: is it possible to present it in a way that it is implemented in stages and delayed for 2 years from the time of the vote.
Vote now. implementation to start for the 2018-19 school year at 25.00 a semester
2019-20 50.00 a semester
2020-21 75.00 a semester
2021-22 100.00 a semster
2022-23 125.00 a semester
is something like that possible?
Re: Ragin' Cajuns Release Consultant Report
Originally Posted by
Notice the Suggested Timeline on his recommendations. Many are Immediate. Others are in 2016 and some are just a couple of months away. The ball is now in your court, Dr. S. No time to screw around with this if we want Alden to continue working with us. This is UL's moment of truth.
'Immediate' was just a suggestion. We have years to get at least 1 of the things listed done.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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I hate to rain on anybody's parade, but the timing of this report couldn't be any worse. It has come out just in time to see the oilfield completely shut down while the entire world heads into recession. The Great State of Louisiana is also completely broke at this time. It also comes out just as the P5 conferences are imposing the cost of pay for play on all of us.
Not to beat a dead horse, but we needed to have acted on the information in this report 15-20 years ago. As usual, our timing is a day late, and a dollar short.
We'll be doing well if we can just maintain the status quo over the next few years.
I'm not saying you are wrong or right, but don't you ever get tired of always being so pessimistic?
I bet you never drink from a full glass!!!! LOL!!!
Re: Room to grow
Originally Posted by
That is why I don't read the Advocate.
Well if I refused to read The Advocate because of the name issue, I'd be more dependent on very sub-par new reporting related to both Louisiana government issues and our own Ragin Cajun athletics.
Branding, Media and the Alden Report
Well, that was an investment well spent. Comprehensive and complete in its review and suggestions/plan of action...
As we have long discussed, the "Branding" of athletics and all that encompasses that single descriptive word (adjective, noun, and verb) was broken down into all of its single components from marketing, digital, new media, traditional media, sponsorship's, ad sales, in game and out of game experiences for the fans etc, etc. This report is a total and conclusive road map to the future success (off the field) of UL Athletics. Some of what I liked...
Have a multimedia group like IMG, Learfield, or others handle all sponsorship marketing. It gives UL a national reach that nearly every school in the country enjoys. They also specialize in brand licensing and other internal marketing objectives.
Improve on all of the digital/new media opportunities. Develop more content for distribution, both through traditional and non-traditional means. Folks, the media landscape is going to changing in the near future in Lafayette. KADN/KLAF etc will be put up for sale after Nexstar acquires Media General. KLFY will ride that train while KADN/KLAF will be sold to (in all likelihood) to Meredith Corp. or some other large broadcast group. Most of those don't sell, produce, and air local originated sports. The outlets you enjoy now will be gone.
The biggest advantage to a more multi media approach is in selling the brand/product to anyone in the world who has an interest. Yes, the oilfield sucks right now, but there are alumni and friends and interested parties far beyond the boundary that of Louisiana and Acadiana that would love to be a part of the Cajun Nation with donations if they were only enticed to do so....
Love all the suggestions as far as in-game experiences. "Stomp at the Swamp"...love it. Have always thought that a cajun fiddler or accordion playing the national anthem (have seen it done at softball) would be a great way to kick off any athletic event.
Finally logos and the intellectual property of the university. Personally, I like the "one and only" Ragin Cajuns campaign. My problem is that the brand of "Ragin Cajuns" while owned by UL is continually used and seen without any payment to the University. I just saw a commercial for (I think) TGI Fridays or some other QSR for a Ragin Cajun steak....How much money is the university loosing on this sort of stuff. The University of California (Cal) has a great program that sniffs out and punishes business who use all things Cal that don't pay for the use of or misuse of their intellectual property, logos, etc. This problem goes straight to the University Marketing Office...those buffoons should be fired with the release of this report.....
Re: Branding, Media and the Alden Report
Originally Posted by
Well, that was an investment well spent. Comprehensive and complete in its review and suggestions/plan of action...
As we have long discussed, the "Branding" of athletics and all that encompasses that single descriptive word (adjective, noun, and verb) was broken down into all of its single components from marketing, digital, new media, traditional media, sponsorship's, ad sales, in game and out of game experiences for the fans etc, etc. This report is a total and conclusive road map to the future success (off the field) of UL Athletics. Some of what I liked...
Have a multimedia group like IMG, Learfield, or others handle all sponsorship marketing. It gives UL a national reach that nearly every school in the country enjoys. They also specialize in brand licensing and other internal marketing objectives.
Improve on all of the digital/new media opportunities. Develop more content for distribution, both through traditional and non-traditional means. Folks, the media landscape is going to changing in the near future in Lafayette. KADN/KLAF etc will be put up for sale after Nexstar acquires Media General. KLFY will ride that train while KADN/KLAF will be sold to (in all likelihood) to Meredith Corp. or some other large broadcast group. Most of those don't sell, produce, and air local originated sports. The outlets you enjoy now will be gone.
The biggest advantage to a more multi media approach is in selling the brand/product to anyone in the world who has an interest. Yes, the oilfield sucks right now, but there are alumni and friends and interested parties far beyond the boundary that of Louisiana and Acadiana that would love to be a part of the Cajun Nation with donations if they were only enticed to do so....
Love all the suggestions as far as in-game experiences. "Stomp at the Swamp"...love it. Have always thought that a cajun fiddler or accordion playing the national anthem (have seen it done at softball) would be a great way to kick off any athletic event.
Finally logos and the intellectual property of the university. Personally, I like the "one and only" Ragin Cajuns campaign. My problem is that the brand of "Ragin Cajuns" while owned by UL is continually used and seen without any payment to the University. I just saw a commercial for (I think) TGI Fridays or some other QSR for a Ragin Cajun steak....How much money is the university loosing on this sort of stuff. The University of California (Cal) has a great program that sniffs out and punishes business who use all things Cal that don't pay for the use of or misuse of their intellectual property, logos, etc. This problem goes straight to the University Marketing Office...those buffoons should be fired with the release of this report.....
Pretty sure when we trademarked Ragin' Cajuns we only did it for athletics leaving others to do what they want with the name.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Originally Posted by
Didn't we bring student fees to a vote some years back but it was shot down by the students vote?
I don't remember a student athletic fee, according to several UL System Board members it would have to go before them before it was allowed to proceed to a vote.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Originally Posted by
Hell, if I'm wrong I'll admit it but I'm almost positive there is a ticket fee. Do you happen to have a list of the student fees?
Not saying you are wrong, but I did present the idea of a ticket fee and was told by a UL System Board member that it would have to be approved by them. Now there has been a facility fee that has helped build Moncla Indoor and then another for the Student Union. There may be another somewhere in there, but I haven't seen it described as a ticket fee.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Originally Posted by
Serious question.. Does anyone think that the current leadership in the athletic department can successfully implement this plan? I'm guessing the part that wasn't released had a review of organizational structures as well as its capabilities.
That part of the report will never be released to the public. But there is nothing in that report that tells me we have the right person in place today to get it done. There are a number of simple matters when it comes to marketing, branding and scheduling that should have been done since day one by an athletic director and was not accomplished.
Re: Branding, Media and the Alden Report
Originally Posted by
Pretty sure when we trademarked Ragin' Cajuns we only did it for athletics leaving others to do what they want with the name.
Then that should change....
Originally Posted by
'Immediate' was just a suggestion. We have years to get at least 1 of the things listed done.
No you dont......read the Brand Summary part of the report....BTW, it matches exactly what I am hearing in general from others in this business
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
$3700-"general fees"
No ticket fee bit I'm sure that'll cover it
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
This report talks about many many things that have to get done and a lot of them are immediately. But none of this is going to get done in any sort of a timely manner until we increase our athletics staff by a LOT.
To be fair (and I say that understanding none of you need to be fair LOL) suggesting our leadership can't get it done may be valid, but how do we know when they've never been given the resources they need to be successful...and personnel is chief among them.
I'm not smart enough to know exactly what order things need to be done, but I'll argue increasing the staff needs to be at the top of the list.
Mike Alden is well respected...but even he wouldn't be able to get this to where it needs to be without a LOT more people.
There were more people involved in putting this report together than we have on our full time athletic staff.
Think about that.
Re: Branding, Media and the Alden Report
How much did report cost?
Re: Room to grow
Originally Posted by
Luke, you didn't mention Alden's branding recommendations and our use of LOUISIANA. It is time for the Advocate's Acadiana Edition to step up in support of LOUISIANA and not avoid the subject altogether with continued use of Louisiana-Lafayette.
Amen: I'd love to hear why they won't do this.
Originally Posted by
That is why I don't read the Advocate.
Same here.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
This is dated (goes back to 2013) but I think it gives an idea of assessed fees students pay.
Just eyeballing, looks to be north of $600 in university and student assessed fees.
I don't know if these apply to today's students. Might be the same, might be more.
And I think tuition is north of $4k.
By the way, I'm not seeing anything that would suggest any form of fee associated with athletics.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Pretty sure fees and tuition has increased substantially in the last 3-4 years with the state cut backs coupled with the state allowing universities to increase tuition based on performance criteria.
Re: Branding, Media and the Alden Report
Originally Posted by
Then that should change....
I'm not sure you could do this retroactively as a number of business entities already use the name in other markets.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Originally Posted by
Pretty sure fees and tuition has increased substantially in the last 3-4 years with the state cut backs coupled with the state allowing universities to increase tuition based on performance criteria.
The question is, why are we still behind La Tech and LSU in tuition and fees? For starters, how about we get on equal footing with them.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Originally Posted by
The question is, why are we still behind La Tech and LSU in tuition and fees? For starters, how about we get on equal footing with them.
Because we were prevented from increasing our fees by the legislature to "keep higher education affordable" until the recent performance allowance. Tech also operates on a quarter system which I think does alter their accounting.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Originally Posted by
Been in the business over twenty years and this one is different. This is the first time in the history of O&G that we have a supply side issue stacked on top of a demand side problem. Geopolitics can often cause sudden changes in our industry and we need to hope something happens in this area because from an economics standpoint I don't think we are close to an end.
Re: Branding, Media and the Alden Report
Originally Posted by
How much did report cost?
^This. I was about to ask that question whenever I read the first line of this post. IMO spending any money on consultants is a waste. I mean consultants? really? I'de like to slap whoever placed a job title on the word Consultant. Consultants are a big part of the reason our great state is in such financial trouble right now. President and AD along with their staff should know whats going on within their university. No need to throw money away at a consultant.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Originally Posted by
I hate to rain on anybody's parade, but the timing of this report couldn't be any worse. ...
The timing is perfect.
A system born in wealth will fall apart in dearth.
The opposite is even more true.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Originally Posted by
Not saying you are wrong, but I did present the idea of a ticket fee and was told by a UL System Board member that it would have to be approved by them. Now there has been a facility fee that has helped build Moncla Indoor and then another for the Student Union. There may be another somewhere in there, but I haven't seen it described as a ticket fee.
I couldn't find anything more recent, the following breakdown of fee charges is updated for Spring 2013 fee schedule as of 12.02.12:.. but I do not see any fees regarding getting into athletic events for free except for the "Auxiliary Operations Fee" and if that is it then I would assume Martin Hall and I would love see the breakdown of how much of that $100 goes towards athletics. (Probably higher in 2016 but still seems low)
*Board Assessed Fees:
Tuition/General Registration
-Up to $ 2,234.28 per semester
Building Use fee
-$10.00 per semester
Building Use Fee-New
-Up to $48.00 per semester
Academic Enhancement
-$25.00 per semester
Academic Excellence
-$10.00 per credit hour; $30.00 minimum, $120.00 maximum
Operational Fee
-up to $61.20 per semester
University Assessed Fees:
Records and Evaluation Fee ($10.00 per semester)
-Provides funding for maintenance of student academic records; provides students with free copies of University transcripts.
Auxiliary Operations Fee ($100.00 assessed at 4 or more credit hours)
-Provides ancillary student support for Auxiliary services which include the Student Union, transit system, operations, recreational sports/activities, the health clinic, and other student related services.
Energy Fee (up to $60.00 per semester)
-Provides funding to offset energy costs of the University
Student Self-Assessed Fees
Masterplan Advancement Program ($7.50 per credit hour, maximum of 15 credits)
-Provides funding for campus improvements with input from students
Student Union (up to $23.00 per semester)
-Provide funding for construction and maintenance of existing UL Lafayette Student Union
Student Union ($20.00 per semester for students assessed at 6 or more credit hours.
-Provides funding for construction and maintenance of a new first-class Student Center
Student Union ($55.00 per semester for students at 6 or more credit hours
-Provides funding for construction and maintenance of a new first-class Student Center
Student Technology Fee ($5.00 per credit hour)
-Provides funding to enhance student-accessible technology on campus
ID Photo ($10.00 per semester)
-Provide for ID photographs and identification cards
La Louisiane-Alumni ($2.50 per semester)
-Provides funding for La Louisiane, the alumni magazine
Debate ($1.00 per semester)
-Provide funding for travel expenses for the University Debate Team
Entertainment ($5.50 per semester)
-Provide funding for University Program Council for events like Lagniappe Week, Ragin Roar, and Homecoming. UPC sponsored events are free to students
Day Care ($2.25 per semester)
-Provides for top quality child care at affordable prices for children of full time students.
Intramurals ($2.00 per semester)
-Provides for intramural sports for UL Lafayette students
Band Association (up to $5.00 per semester)
-Provides funding for the Pride of Acadiana March Band
Student Loan (.50 per semester)
-Provides for emergency loan assistance through the short-term loan program.
Lyceum (up to $1.00 per semester)
-Provides for academic speakers at the University
Book (.10 per semester)
L 'Acadian ($12.00 per Fall semester for students with 12 or more credit hours)
-Provides a copy of the L 'Acadian Yearbook for each full-time student
KRVS (.50 per semester)
-Provides funding for KRVS, the campus radio station
SGA ($7.50 per semester for 6 or more credit hours)
-Provides funding for the Student Government Association
Insurance ($22.00 per semester for students assessed at 7 or more undergraduate credit hours or 6 or more graduate credit hours)
-Provides students with health care coverage
Vermilion ($2.00 per semester)
-Provides funding for the student published newspaper
SGA Scholarship (.75 per semester)
-Provides funding for SGA-awarded scholarships
International Student Council (.35 per semester)
Club Sports ($3.15 per semester)
-Provide funding for club sports such as Judo, Bowling, Soccer, Rugby, Tae Kwan Do, Skeet Shooting, and Water Skiing.
Arts Fee (up to $7.00 per semester)
-Provides funding for the UL Lafayette Symphony Orchestra and UL Lafayette
Performing Arts
Cheerleaders (up to $4.00 per semester)
-Provides funding for UL Lafayette cheerleaders
University Police ($1.00 per semester) Provides funding for the University Police Department for scholarships, student officers, Code Blue emergency systems, crime prevention programs, and equipment for officers.
Art Museum (up to $5.00 per semester)
-Provides funding for the University Art Museum
Parking and Transit (up to $25.00 per semester for students assessed at 6 or more credit hours)
-Provides funding to maintain transit facilities (buses), improve parking facilities, and provide free parking at Cajun Field and Zone 40.
Recreational-.Facility/Equipment ($20.00 per semester for students assessed at 6 or more
Credit hours)
Student Health Service ($20.00 per semester for 6 or more credit hours)
-Provides health care services to student free of charge
Student Health Service Support ($5.00 per semester for students assessed at 6 or more credit hours
-Provides support services for Student Health Services
Auxiliary Improvement
-$15.00 per semester for students assessed at 6 or more credit hours
Initial Enrollment Fee ($7.50 first time freshmen only)
-Provides enrollment services to first-time stude