Re: Tips & Tricks: FREE PARKING New Olreans. Feel free add your TIPS & TRICKS
Originally Posted by
Only problem with parking at Harrah's is that you'll still have to find a way to the game, unless you really feel like hiking about a 1/2 mile (maybe more) to the 'Dome!!
If you can't walk 1/2 mile you need to get on a program....
Re: Tips & Tricks: FREE PARKING New Olreans. Feel free add your TIPS & TRICKS
Originally Posted by
If you can't walk 1/2 mile you need to get on a program....
Re: New Orleans bowl tickets are on sale
Originally Posted by
Yes. New Orleans gets the first pick. They are obligated to take the champion two times every four years. Even though FIU was the designated champion last year, they were co champions with Troy. Therefore, the NO bowl selection of Troy fulfilled the requirement that they take the champion (in this case, co-champion.)
FYI, the reason for the tie-breaker when you have co champions is that SBC bylaws state the designated champion MUST be accomodated in a bowl game.
BUT if Detroit had not been willing to take FIU one of New Orleans or Mobile would have had to take FIU.
With Nebraska taking the Big 10 to 12 members, the Detroit fallback option is essentially gone, they should be able to fill their slots.
Re: Tips & Tricks: A way to get FREE PARKING New Orleans
Originally Posted by
naF nujaC
Play on a machine or any combination of machines for 30 minutes then go to the kiosk/free parking machine to redeem your free 24 hour parking pass.
This is the only way I know to win at a Casino.
After 6 ½ years and many $$$$ paying for my daughter’s UL college education this tip and Zing Zang are the only two things I have to show for it to date. I will add, she graduates in December and is already employed the first Monday in January. YES! You have to love UL. Their students can get jobs.
Wouldn't that be crazy if there was no more room to park at Harrahs? I learned the Harrahs "secret" a few years ago while attending a Saints game. Free parking is huge in New Orleans! I love the quote... only way to win at a casino... oh AND get free drinks!!!
Re: Tips & Tricks: A way to get FREE PARKING New Orleans
Anyone setting up bus trips. That would be the way to go. Ride plus tickets. Get there early afternoon and see the sights. Go to the game and relax on the ride back home after the game.