I don't find Louisiana anymore "bush league" then ULL,LA or Louisiana-Lafayette.
UL is not legal, so you better have tons of money for our legal department.
I do agree that it is time to decide on one name and do a better job of marketing it.
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As someone who never heard of the school before he was 2/3 of the way through high school, you learn that with few exceptions double directional names and hyphenated names are a dime a dozen and get you nowhere.
Acronyms have to have a nice ring to them. Examples are UCLA, and UNLV. ULM and UALR have nice rings to their acronyms so there is growth potential to that name if they upgrade their athletic programs. ULL does not have a nice ring to it and there is absloutely no potential to it. If Wright Waters persists in this identification of us, we are represented by the wrong conference commissioner.
The goal in denying us the UL and Louisiana identities is, and has always been, to cap our potential. It has nothing to do with athletic performance or worthiness as a university. It's pursuit is worth any price, and I'm sure those running the university agree with that. So I think they are going to continue to work around the edges until the goal is achieved. Simon-Dronet, whether you like her or not, lives on the edge of infamy. As time passes, the less people that don't like us will fight it. We can purchase souvenirs we couldn't have five years ago and had to make for ourselves.
Eventually I see us becoming like Nevada: "Nevada" is the athletic brand name and "University of Nevada, Reno" is what appears on the diplomas. Potentially in my lifetime (I'd estimate my lifespan has about 10 minutes left in the 3rd Quarter) I see us being capable of running with the best of the Sun Belt, CUSA, and the Mountain West. BCS status is a subject for the next shift, but it won't matter a whole lot if a playoff with each conference champion comes to pass. Win your conference and punch your own ticket.
I said Louisiana's is bush. The use of the ('s) is very childish and weak. It may have served a purpose when we were USL. Not now.
Oh yeah? Well you better get on the stick on getting it removed from the football unis and the baseball caps.
Are you sure? I have never seen a city tag anywhere on either the football uni or the baseball caps. The same goes for the basketball unis yesterday.
I do know that you can currently purchase a mug, a decal, and several hats that say University of Louisiana or UL and nothing else at all on them.
I know because I own them all.
What's being done with the caps and football unis is that they can't be sold to the public without Lafayette somewhere.
Another trick is to have either "Cajuns" or "Louisiana" but not both on the same garment. Still another is what you pointed out, the 's attached to Louisiana.
As much as it irritates me, I think we have to play these games if necessary because I'm influenced by my background of not having heard of USL elsewhere. Louisiana-Lafayette won't be any better. We had a "BCS" caliber basketball team at the time that my PE coach recognized all the way out in Southern California, but I was a sports fan at the time and that national ranking didn't bring me recognition of the school.
For nearly 37 years I've heard comments to the effect that winning alone solves recognition problems. It could be the main ingredient, but my life's experience tells me that you must have a platform from which to win and get recognized. What I'm trying to say is that what we're going through with this name cat and mouse game is what we must do if we are going to eventually succeed.
I certainly don't disagree with the overriding need for funding, but I think I have a unique experience being from somewhere else and I think it means something to a bowl selection or tournament selection committee if a general fan half way across the country knows the existence of the school being considered.
On January 1, 1972 I had no idea I would ever live here, yet by late February I was here. I can tell you with absloute certainty that if I hadn't moved I would have still never heard of USL or Louisiana-Lafayette.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the only time we are legally obligated to use "Lafayette" is when "University of Louisiana" is used. The football and basketball uniforms say only "Louisiana", which is fine. That is also what makes the endzones on the football field fine. That's why we should market the athletic program as such.
LOUISIANA is not bush league, it is what we want. LOUISIANA's is what is bush league. That is like saying Alabama's Crimson Tide, or Nebraska's Cornhuskers. It is rediculous and needs to change.
I was watching scores on ESPN this weekend between Louisiville and, I believe UNLV. Anyway, Louisville was referred to as UL. I know that is not a problem in and of itself if we go by UL, but why wouldn't we want a unique identity like ULA? Why deal with a further identity problem once we overcome the UL Lafayette or UL L issue? We can proceed like Texas (UT) and Tennessee (UT), which is what we are doing, or we can be unique like UGA, UVA and ULA. We are not yet established as UL, but Louisville is. Texas and Tennessee have long been established in what are now BCS leagues. So are Ohio State (OSU), Oregon State (OSU) and Oklahoma State (OSU).