Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
_ I assure you that you have been a good part of that lately. If you intend to contribute on UL matter only, then keep off the LSU subject yourself. You have been about as obsessed as anyone on here about LSU. If you want that subject not to appear on here... a UL forum... again, leave it alone. _
Please, I've been reading this board for a lot longer than I've actually been posting on here. There has been a lot of chatter about LSU on this board a long time before I came around. I guess you would prefer to have no visitors on your board so you could live in only a vermillion and white world? How many threads have I started about LSU? IF LSU is being mentioned, I will certainly chime in considering they get trashed here on a regular basis. Hell, some members even display their hatred/obsession for LSU in their own member name. I'm going to go visit a La Tech board and UL (Monroe) board to see if they have the same amount of hate towards LSU.
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
Cajun Saint
_ not a threat. merely an observation. let's see, now we're being "ostrcized," and we suddenly have become "malcontents" because we feel our hometown university should have hometown support(what a radical notion). you pose very interesting, and revealing points of view. keep it up. _
Nowhere did I say that people in Lafayette shouldn’t support the university. I actually said people support both schools, which is a fact and should remain. However, this “hate LSU” or else attitude will not win over the masses you are trying get support from.
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
_ Please, I've been reading this board for a lot longer than I've actually been posting on here. There has been a lot of chatter about LSU on this board a long time before I came around. I guess you would prefer to have no visitors on your board so you could live in only a vermillion and white world? _
Nope. Don't care either way. Stay. Go. Post. Just read. Doesn't matter to me. You are hounding about obsession. I see it as pretty normal bantering. I also see about 500 posts on pure UL only subjects... an LSU comment surfaces... and somehow roaches get drawn out of their comfortable dark nests.
It isn't "my board"... it is a UL forum. I think you also need to bust us in the chops when the Saints and the Panthers come up... arguments about good eateries... and stuff like that. You have a lot more obsession refereeing we need you for. I'll watch out for you.
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
_ an LSU comment surfaces... and somehow roaches get drawn out of their comfortable dark nests.
that pretty much sums it up. Thanks.
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
_ Do you think Tech, ULM and others would also support the existing state system, if allowed to vote on that? I just polled them and Tech and ULM agreed... let's divide LSU's funding, call the 3 of us "flagships" and let LSU survive completely off of its private funding and athletic national championships for the next 10 years. Watch how fast the bumper stickers and t-shirt sales dry up.
I personally could care less about being another "flagship", so keep your "you all look ridiculous" comments to yourself. Your analogy of Sharpton/Jackson, two political panderers, is completely off-base. Racial issues and the parasites you mentioned have nothing to do with the facts about this state's higher education funding predicament facing UL. It wouldn't take much to turn your analogy around and have your favorite institution framed with Al and Jessie... "proclaimed protected entitlements".
UL is continuously limited in making growth initiatives in this state, despite having made much greater strides than other equally less funded state universities. Are our graduates not also competing nationally/globally for their and our economic benefit... and aren't we a component of this state's potential progress? Is it not appropriate to keep working toward competing nationally for research money, better professors, improved facilities, etc? UL is very fortunate to be in Lafayette, a city that has grown enormously economically since its Vermillionville days. As it has grown, so too should its largest single financial economic contributor... UL. Why shouldn't UL get a line share of state taxpayer support as the second largest institution in the state? It stands to reason that as you process more students, you should also be supported proportionately.
As you say... take responsibility for yourself. Trying to right the pathetic budget manipulations in this state IS "taking responsibility for ourselves". UL, whether you like it or not, is one of YOUR state taxpayer institutions. Take pride in it, "Lafayette" RiverRanchMan, and start pitching in yourself. What exactly is it that has you so proudly strutting around Lafayette that does not also include your support of UL? Do you not know people or their children who attend or are attending there?
And yes, UL, as institutions go, is disproportionately unrepresented here in the Baton Rouge based state government. Have no fear... your favorite institution is very secure. The state will remain last in the country in almost every relevant category... but we all have more purple and gold national championships to look forward to. It is extremely unfortunate, but this state is run about as close to a communist state as any U.S. state could be. It has a permanent ruler that has figured out a way to toss out big parades and flag waving around the "state colors"... deflecting focus on serious problems in the state over to water cooler speak of "Saban sucks"... and never quite getting its people out of third-world U.S. state status. It must be very rewarding to you to take stock in that, Mr. "RiverRanchMan". _
Here we go again making assumptions about the causes for state problems and low & behold, LSU is at fault. I will agree that politics it the cause for much of our problems, but you guys are obsessed with LSU. Another case of the have not’s blaming the haves and LSU is perceived to be the one that has in this case. This is a relatively poor state. We really don’t have any university that can be considered well funded.
My analogy of Jackson and Sharpton is in reference to blaming someone for your problems who has little to do with it rather than encouraging supporters to take responsibility for themselves and nothing else.
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
The worst part about all of this is that I've spent money and time to support the Cajuns throughout the years. I have no problem going to catch a UL-Lafayette baseball, football, or basketball game to cheer on the Cajuns as long as it doesn't conflict with LSU. I must admit, the hatred on this board makes me not want to do so in the future. I've had some great times catching Cajun baseball games in the past and was planning on going to some weekday games this upcoming season.
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
_ that pretty much sums it up. Thanks. _
I don't think it sums it up at all. I'll give you a little assignment. Go to Tigerdroppings and use a username that says "UL Fan"... start little discussions with them and mention UL. See what happens. If you think for one minute that someone on here gets derogatory... you have no idea. I have no problem with you being on this forum. I've read your views. There are a lot of people on here that are certainly sensitive about LSU interference in UL affairs over the years. But, despite that, you get on here, make it known where your heart lies, and most people just accept you. Now, of course LSU folks are not "obsessed" with UL. They "don't care". Why should they? They own just about everything in the state. The reverse situation generally ushers in a different perspective. If you are an educated man, I'm absolutely certain you understand that. Again, I think you are treated quite well on this forum.
If you have been a viewer of this forum for so long, I wonder why it is that last year a number of real a-hole LSU people posted on here with short nasty UL slams coupled with pro-LSU stuff and no good-character LSU people got on here and admonished them. You act like it is your duty to correct us about anything negative about LSU... I made a very specific request last year that LSU people that are "real men" ought to clean up their own house a little. That never happens. Would you also like to volunteer to be "that" watchdog on our forum? That will certainly make my roach comment no longer apply to you specifically.
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
_ Please, I've been reading this board for a lot longer than I've actually been posting on here. There has been a lot of chatter about LSU on this board a long time before I came around. I guess you would prefer to have no visitors on your board so you could live in only a vermillion and white world? How many threads have I started about LSU? IF LSU is being mentioned, I will certainly chime in considering they get trashed here on a regular basis. Hell, some members even display their hatred/obsession for LSU in their own member name. I'm going to go visit a La Tech board and UL (Monroe) board to see if they have the same amount of hate towards LSU. _
You have alot of time on your hands.....please go and visit other boards and rid them of the evil LSU haters. Why do you care what is said about LSU? Big deal.
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
_ Here we go again making assumptions about the causes for state problems and low & behold, LSU is at fault. I will agree that politics it the cause for much of our problems, but you guys are obsessed with LSU. Another case of the have not’s blaming the haves and LSU is perceived to be the one that has in this case. This is a relatively poor state. We really don’t have any university that can be considered well funded.
My analogy of Jackson and Sharpton is in reference to blaming someone for your problems who has little to do with it rather than encouraging supporters to take responsibility for themselves and nothing else. _
I could tell you were a jerk the second I read you're pompous user name. You probably have NO IDEA why most UL fans "hate LSU", as you so eliquently put it. Go to the top of this page, and click the "UL" tab. Read that article, and enlighten yourself; then you can continue p!ss!ng in the wind concerning your understanding of "LSU bashing". At least you now, when you defend the "f a g ship" of purple and puke, you'll have to PRETEND to be ignorant instead of actually being so.
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
If you have been a viewer of this forum for so long, I wonder why it is that last year a number of real a-hole LSU people posted on here with short nasty UL slams coupled with pro-LSU stuff and no good-character LSU people got on here and admonished them. You act like it is your duty to correct us about anything negative about LSU... I made a very specific request last year that LSU people that are "real men" ought to clean up their own house a little. That never happens. Would you also like to volunteer to be "that" watchdog on our forum? That will certainly make my roach comment no longer apply to you specifically. _
Yes, I have seen some of this, and it's quite embarrassing. Personally, I'd like to apologize on the behalf of these jackasses. I would have no problem telling them where to go if the act like _______s on your school's site.
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
_ The worst part about all of this is that I've spent money and time to support the Cajuns throughout the years. I have no problem going to catch a UL-Lafayette baseball, football, or basketball game to cheer on the Cajuns as long as it doesn't conflict with LSU. I must admit, the hatred on this board makes me not want to do so in the future. I've had some great times catching Cajun baseball games in the past and was planning on going to some weekday games this upcoming season. _
how cute.. He added Lafayette. Coincidence? I think not...
Re: Savoie on the Budget Cuts
Originally Posted by
_ The worst part about all of this is that I've spent money and time to support the Cajuns throughout the years. I have no problem going to catch a UL-Lafayette baseball, football, or basketball game to cheer on the Cajuns as long as it doesn't conflict with LSU. I must admit, the hatred on this board makes me not want to do so in the future. I've had some great times catching Cajun baseball games in the past and was planning on going to some weekday games this upcoming season. _
Am I supposed to stop attending LSU games to reciprocate? You need to do what your heart tells you to do. We call ourselves UL, by the way. It's a shortcut that we like to use. If you can say "Cajuns" instead of "Ragin Cajuns"... I think you can do it. It's called being courteous.... another thing in short supply in this state. Oh no... another obsession sermon coming.
No one has damaged you on this forum, bballholic. And again, if you need a balance of hatred so that your equilibrium settles... start up a conversation about UL on a Tiger forum. I promise it will do your soul some good. I promise.