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Elijah McGuire
Ball&Chill @Mr_Adversityy 57m
Just got some good news
Hopefully that is about his shoulder.
This guy is referring to a tweet by Montrel Carter a few minutes b4 this.
Derick B. (@UPT_Greenie) tweeted at 7:34 PM on Tue, Dec 10, 2013:
USL player said "still got this sour taste in my mouth..only way to get it out is to beat Tulane!! #GeauxCajuns #3Peat "
Tulane Green Wave (@tulanebuzztap) tweeted at 8:14 PM on Tue, Dec 10, 2013:
Tulane Green Wave (Official Site) >> Football. Transcript from Tulane Football's Final Weekly Press Conference
CajunDreDog, what the hell is all of this?
Lol, how are any of these random and insignificant posts from "Tulane Football" considered smack? Or news for that matter? I like the idea of a smack thread... but all you're doing is posting meaningless tweets.
Some of you folks need to have a drink or two and loosen up before you show up on Ragin' Pagin.
I found this thread extremely helpful, because Dre gave me the idea of setting up a Twitter list to follow the New Orleans Bowl stuff.
"Smack" isn't always "you suck, ul-l."
"We're Louisiana, dufus."
Some of what makes a bowl interesting is the preparation. Hearing about what the other side thinks. Hearing what other fans think.
So... +1 Dre.
Everyone else, go to bed.
When you wake up tomorrow, let's try to remember that bowl games are supposed to be fun.