Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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The Cajuns will be fine, we have the one moniker x factor, a large sum of our fans, alumni, boosters, faculty, administrators and players are in fact genuine ragin cajuns. Charlton Heston is gunna take notes on our rendition of "cold dead hands"
Tell that to the 'Fighting Sioux' of the University of N. Dakota. I may be off on a few points, but the University is located in a State named after the Dakota Sioux, has an enrollment of Sioux students that is either majority or very large plurality, is located either on or very near a large Sioux reservation, offers a degree or at least numerous courses in the history and culture of the Sioux nation and has written endorsement from several Sioux tribal governments. The NCAA forced them to change. To the eternal credit of the University and the State of North Dakota, they are now officially the UND Athletic Teams, with NO nickname, Moniker or Mascot.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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I'd love to find the Native American who EVER thought "Redskin" was something they want to be called or anything other than offensive and derogatory in nature. I'm Cajun, I'm proud to be Cajun, and most Cajuns feel the same way.
If people want to refer to my Native American heritage, I would prefer 'Choctaw', or 'Indian', but, as others have pointed out, certain tribal groups used red pigments in warpaint, and the term 'Redskin' [the equivalent in their language of course] was used to denote those going into battle with the enemies of the people. The term is considered derogatory by people not of the race, and by those in the race not familiar with its origins. In general, by everyone who thinks the term was invented by white folks to deride native Americans.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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Tell that to the 'Fighting Sioux' of the University of N. Dakota. I may be off on a few points, but the University is located in a State named after the Dakota Sioux, has an enrollment of Sioux students that is either majority or very large plurality, is located either on or very near a large Sioux reservation, offers a degree or at least numerous courses in the history and culture of the Sioux nation and has written endorsement from several Sioux tribal governments. The NCAA forced them to change. To the eternal credit of the University and the State of North Dakota, they are now officially the UND Athletic Teams, with NO nickname, Moniker or Mascot.
If I recall correctly even with the endorsements there was one tribe that railed against their use of Sioux. That was enough for the institution located in Indiana
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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If I recall correctly even with the endorsements there was one tribe that railed against their use of Sioux. That was enough for the institution located in Indiana
I call bulls--t on that. The Oklahoma council of the Seminole Nation protested vigorously to the NCAA against the use of 'Seminole' by Florida State, but they are still the 'Seminoles'. Can you say 'Money talks, Sioux walks'?
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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I call bulls--t on that. The Oklahoma council of the Seminole Nation protested vigorously to the NCAA against the use of 'Seminole' by Florida State, but they are still the 'Seminoles'. Can you say 'Money talks, Sioux walks'?
I didn't say the NCAA was right or that they were even handed, or that they weren't two-faced.
I was trying to say that (in the instance we were discussing) even with the endorsements of certain Sioux tribes the NCAA latched onto the cause of the one tribe that was vocal against the use of Sioux.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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At the time the name was chosen it wouldn't have been considered racist but today it is. Many things 60 years ago were accepted and fine yet today we know better. Why not just call them the Washington Braves, Warriors etc.... Redskin is a racist term pure and simple. We need to do away with the term Indian. It's a 500 year old mistake. Columbus thought he was in India thus he called the natives Indians. The witch hunt over Native American names in the late 90's was stupid. I had always wondered why the Redskins were made of teflon. All of the Native American named teams were to pay honor to those tribes. Not sure why ASU and ULM caved so easily unless they wanted to get rid of a name that didn't make any sense unless they were talking about those Indians in New Delhi.
My last few years in Lafayette, a group of African Americans were making a big deal over the use of Cajun claiming it didn't represent the community. Do Tigers represent the people in Louisiana? LSU doesn't have any Tigers on the team.
Well then the term Native American is also a misnomer. There are no Native Americans, no Euro Americans, we, the human race is OUT OF AFRICA. Now there is DNA evidence suggests that some of the oldest American immigrants came from France. Their DNA are mixed with the more prolific Asian Americans immigrants now being termed Native Americans.
They either were wiped out or died out and some of the survivors were absorbed into the Asian immigrants.
Mistake or not Indians is a lot loftier sounding than Native American so homogenized, so pasteurized, so boring. Little kids playing cowboys and native americans. Yea that sounds like fun.
All the kids I grew up with always wanted to be the indians. Lots of great war cries, cool weapons like tomahawks, bows and arrows, lances vs a cap pistols.
Not everything old is wrong, not everything new is right. There is no universal agreement on the origin of the term red skins, but there is empirical evidence of an indian chief very early on referring to themselves as red skins.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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there is empirical evidence of an indian chief very early on referring to themselves as red skins.
With their invention of the comparative term "white man" this holds water..
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
Also note that activists did not name their organization the Native Anerican Movement. They called it AIM, the American Indian Movement.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
I'm waiting for a school that is forced to change its mascot...because it is offensive to change it to the "Fighting White Men"! Now...who wouldn't like THAT?!
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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You are SURELY correct there!
Hence... big picture societal money problem.