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Many of the area's high school football coaches got an up-close view of a new-look UL squad Wednesday when the Ragin' Cajuns officially opened spring drills for the 2007 season.
The UL coaching staff, one that includes four new members this year, hosted an evening clinic for the area coaches following Wednesday's two-hour workout session.
"We've done it for a couple of years," said Cajun coach Rickey Bustle, "but this is the first time we've done it on our first day. It's an informal thing, a chance for everyone to meet and talk football."
The 86 returning members of the UL squad finally got a chance to do football-related drills Wednesday, after several weeks of off-season conditioning - the last two weeks featuring the infamous 6 a.m. "red dawn" sessions.
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Dan McDonald
It was also the first chance for many of the squad members, notably the quarterbacks, wide receivers, linebackers and cornerbacks, to experience practice with their new position coaches.
New staffers Blake Anderson (offensive coordinator/quarterbacks), Kevin Fouquier (defensive coordinator/linebackers), Hurlie Brown (cornerbacks) and Darryl Mason (wide receivers) had their first chances for on-field interaction with their position groups.
"I think the players were well prepared and the coaches were well prepared," Bustle said. "While our guys are learning the plays and the defenses, they've also got to learn the coaches and the coaches have to learn about them.
"Part of the X's and O's is learning each other. You've got to learn that chemistry between the coaches and players, and the guys have to see what type of effort they have to give with our new guys."
The session was held in helmets and shorts and kicked off a series of 15 practices during the spring. NCAA mandates require the first two sessions in shorts including Friday's 3 p.m. practice. UL will don pads for the first time at 9:45 a.m. Saturday, and will hold full-gear sessions next Monday, Wednesday and Friday before a scheduled Saturday scrimmage.
"There weren't a lot of mental mistakes," Bustle said of the 12-period workout. "You always have some on a first day, but it was good to see we didn't have many."
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