Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Or the university can be adults and enforce their rules properly while not fumbling their crisis communication skills.
You guys are adults or college kids? Blame the University all you want but the policy has been in place. Not getting your way and crying won’t change anything. But keep doing your thing for clicks.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
You have a truck load of plausible deniability being dumped.
There's the "I didn’t make a new rule"
You have the "nor did i make the rules that exist."
You have the "rumor" denial.
What you don't have is a reference any past implementation of the newly unveiled rule.
How many years has this insidious "in place" goal been under wraps?
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
You guys are adults or college kids? Blame the University all you want but the policy has been in place. Not getting your way and crying won’t change anything. But keep doing your thing for clicks.
. . . what is your end game, more of the same . . .
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
. . . what is your end game, more of the same . . .
I have no end game. Just pointing out how juvenile the adults in the room are acting. Thinking they can rail on the university to get someone fired and a policy changed in 48 hours. Gave them suggestions on how to try and make a change but they rather be seen as cool with the kids. That will sure get things changed.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
You have a truck load of plausible deniability being dumped.
There's the "I didn’t make a new rule"
You have the "nor did i make the rules that exist."
You have the "rumor" denial.
What you don't have is a reference any past implementation of the newly unveiled rule.
How many years has this insidious "in place" goal been under wraps?
You make good points and the so called adults all played into the Admins hand.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Doesn't really matter in the end..
Whatever students were there, were gone by halftime
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
I have no end game. Just pointing out how juvenile the adults in the room are acting. Thinking they can rail on the university to get someone fired and a policy changed in 48 hours. Gave them suggestions on how to try and make a change but they rather be seen as cool with the kids. That will sure get things changed.
How long has this dormant rule been on the books?
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
You guys are adults or college kids? Blame the University all you want but the policy has been in place. Not getting your way and crying won’t change anything. But keep doing your thing for clicks.
You seem to have no problem with our university’s poor communication skills or inconsistencies. The rule could be there for 1,000 years. That’s not on the students or fans if they call out the university’s ineptness to not enforce it.
How you defend this incompetence is an even bigger head scratcher.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
I have no end game. Just pointing out how juvenile the adults in the room are acting. Thinking they can rail on the university to get someone fired and a policy changed in 48 hours. Gave them suggestions on how to try and make a change but they rather be seen as cool with the kids. That will sure get things changed.
. . . take your blinders off . . . you think you are acting like an adult with your . . . nanny, nanny boo boo . . . and yes, they got plenty of emails and this public forum and that should have been enough for them to react and do the right thing . . . if after all this, the powers at be did not realize that this is and has been a crisis situation, then there is no hope . . . this was a perfect opportunity to turn the tides . . .
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
On the books, use at will, West Virginia State Legislature.
Anyone who hunts, catches, takes, kills, injures, or pursues a wild animal or bird with a ferret will face a fine of no less than $100 (but no more than $500) and up to 100 days in jail.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
. . . hell, eating _____ was a crime in Louisiana until not too long ago . . . unenforced of course . . .
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Doesn't really matter in the end..
Whatever students were there, were gone by halftime
Good point but it’s not only the students. Both side empty out at half.