Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
Billy had way more experience than Mike, not even close. So we are following the Nichols blue print are we? I will always support UL( have been for over 50 years) and Mike, but as many said, I still think
it was the wrong hire, would not been hired at any other FBS school.
. . . lots of experience being fired . . . was fired once and probably about to be fired again . . . nice resume there . . .
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
So let me get this straight. You're saying Billy and Des were on the same level before getting their first head coaching gig? And if we not had hired Des, another FBS school would have hired him away as their head coach???? C'mon man.
. . . you have no credentials to be questioning the opinions of a revered Cajun fan with such and expansive and impressive whiskey stash . . .
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
Excellent point
Some of you can't separate your emotions from critical thought. The critique is on the administration. Not MiKe. I don't recall a single person saying they're not supporting UL anymore because they hired Mike. My support of the program hasnt changed one iota. Some of you are acting like we threw rocks at your mama. Toxic shock syndrome is gonna set in if some of you don't change that thing soon.:p
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
Some of you can't separate your emotions from critical thought. The critique is on the administration. Not MiKe. I don't recall a single person saying they're not supporting UL anymore because they hired Mike. My support of the program hasnt changed one iota. Some of you are acting like we threw rocks at your mama. Toxic shock syndrome is gonna set in if some of you don't change that thing soon.:p
. . . you and those posting against the hiring of CMD are not supporting either him or the university . . .
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
Some of you can't separate your emotions from critical thought. The critique is on the administration. Not MiKe. I don't recall a single person saying they're not supporting UL anymore because they hired Mike. My support of the program hasnt changed one iota. Some of you are acting like we threw rocks at your mama. Toxic shock syndrome is gonna set in if some of you don't change that thing soon.:p
Now do extending marlin, ooops
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
Great points.
I don't think hiring a local guy is always wrong. Robe is what I think we all hope CMD becomes, but that is a tall order since CMD doesn't have the DI HC experience that Robe had before he came here.
I think the thing that is causing all of the friction here is that most of us are looking at this hire from only the viewpoint of previous experience. I believe there is another, maybe even more important reason, CMD was hired other than our hopes he become another Robe.
Remember what happened when we missed the boat to the original CUSA back in 96? Doc A pulled the plug on the program and did a political hire a couple years later. It is my belief that Doc S is doing something similar on a smaller scale.
Losing Napier, NIL, the Portal and COVID all happened at the same time. Now, we are going to play in a construction zone for a couple of years. I think Doc S looked at all of this and concluded now would be a good time to pace ourselves for a little while, and if he can get lucky and find another Robe, why not try that?
Not saying I agree with this approach, but this is exactly the way Doc A would have responded to the situation I just described, and Doc S paid attention.
... or I'm completely wrong and these are just the mindless ramblings of an old fool.
Brother, we're all hypothesizing. No of us have a crystal ball here. But I think we all hope, regardless of the reasons, that Mike becomes the best head coach for our great university. At the end of the day, we all stand together and yell GEAUX CAJUNS!
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
Now do extending marlin, ooops
LoL! Don't you start!
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
Most wins in a season while Mike was in school here: 6
Most wins in a season while Dr A. was in school here: 6
Not close to true. Disinfo at its core
Authement had 76, the Brian Mitchell years, and Jake Delhomme years.
He also had some 1 win seasons.
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
. . . you and those posting against the hiring of CMD are not supporting either him or the university . . .
You're right. I don't support this university, the coach, or the program. I just waste a lot of time, energy and money on it. I'm just a masochist. By the way, speaking of supporting the coach and the program...when was the last football game you went to again? Remind us. Oh that's don't even go.
Why do you hate Dez so much, man? Harsh.
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
. . . says who . . .
We dont know he never applied.
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
You're right. I don't support this university, the coach, or the program. I just waste a lot of time, energy and money on it. I'm just a masochist. By the way, speaking of supporting the coach and the program...when was the last football game you went to again? Remind us. Oh that's don't even go.
Why do you hate Dez so much, man? Harsh.
. . . I went to 100% of the football games at CF this season . . . I have 4 baseball season tickets in the grandstand . . . another big miss . . . hanging with the wrong crowd on this board will get you that . . . C'mon man . . .
Re: Facts About Des Salary
Originally Posted by
. . . you and those posting against the hiring of CMD are not supporting either him or the university . . .
Convoluted thinking on your part.
I would have never personally picked the first car I ever owned.
Once it was mine I did everthing I could to improve it and now it hosts some of my favorite memories.
I still would have never picked it on my own.