Re: Ragin' Cajun Blog: UL-Middle Tennessee football game changed to 6 p.m.
Originally Posted by
_ I'll answer:
15 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS! Not to mention these games are also picked up on ESPN Gameplan and thus shown on ESPN3.com, to the REST OF THE COUNTRY!!!
On the other end of the argument...I kinda agree with him though. Who the hell watches these games? How many UL fans actually watch the other SBC Network games each week. I don't. I can't stand to watch ULM, UNT, etc. I can watch some other the other schools in the SBC, but a few of them.....NO WAY!
Also, let's say it is Saturday afternoon and the SBC Network game of the week is about to start. Are you going to watch it, the SEC game on CBS, ND on NBC, the slew of games on ESPN networks, or any of the other games on ESPN3.com? Sorry, ND versus Michigan or Ohio State vs. Michigan, or Auburn vs. Bama would have me watching. Not FAU and UNT. _
It works both ways, how many recruits watched the game at home on CSS? So far, a half a dozen that we offered. How many recruits came to the game and left after halftime, more then half.
There should be no reason why Cajun Field should not have 20,000 plus against a bowl team on the 25th. If we don't, then I think some people need to take a hard look in the mirror.
Re: Thank You UL For Changing Game Time
MTS will be a tough opponent with or without QB. but i was pleasantly surprised by the cajuns this weekend.
if we play like we did for 3 quarters, we are hard to beat in the sbc.
we really need lafayette, the city to rally behind the cajuns. but it will be hard since lsu is playing at home that day.
Re: Ragin' Cajun Blog: UL-Middle Tennessee football game changed to 6 p.m.
Originally Posted by
_ Recruits care about being on Television, no matter what the circumstances may be. They ask our staff this question almost immediately.. Being exposed to a regional TV audience which spans 5 states is no match for 20,000 fans in attendance (if we even get that). Losing this TV game is bad, period. _
potentially losing a current player is even worse. not to mention the possibility of more fans passing out. oh and what's a recruit gonna think when he looks in the stands and see half if not 3 quarters of the stadium empty? Great move by the university. And so happy the SBC commish and SBC network offered this. Who knows, may have saved a life.
Re: Ragin' Cajun Blog: UL-Middle Tennessee football game changed to 6 p.m.
Well said post about how much potential viewership we have. 15 million, but at 2:30 on a Sunday you have games on ABC, NBC, FOX, ESPN and ESPN2... And if UL isn't playing I am sure in the he'll not watching ULM or MT or Troy compared to Top 25 football... It's the truth! Some of you are blowing this TV coverage deal into too much. UL did the right thing for the fans, student athletes and band. Congrats to the couple of hardasses who feel like all everyone did was _____... Turn on the weather any day and they tell you 110 plus heat index is NOT SAFE! Great decision UL!
UL changes game time
While the first-place Cajuns (1-1, 1-0 Sun Belt) have a bye week, MTSU (1-1) plays at Memphis on Saturday. "It doesn't really matter to us," UL coach Rickey Bustle said of the time change. "We still have to play the ...
<center> <a href="http://m.theadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100916/SPORTS/9160323/1006&template=wapart" target="_blank">The rest of the story </a>
Re: Ragin' Cajun Blog: UL-Middle Tennessee football game changed to 6 p.m.
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_ You can still watch the game via webcast on ragincajuns.com. Several of the participants here do just that. _
Exactly where I will be next saturday - glued to my computer! :D
Re: Ragin' Cajun Blog: UL-Middle Tennessee football game changed to 6 p.m.
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_ I'm very torn on this issue.
I understand the unpleasantness of heat for 4 hours, but is it worth losing a TV game? This will hurt recruiting, exposure, future games on the SBC, etc. Safety should be a priority, but safety is also an individual responsibility. Hydrate, stop drinking an hour before the game, eat, bring an umbrella, bring a fan, apply sunblock, leave the kids at home..
All in all, this is not good for UL. _
So, now that it is at 6, will everyone stay home until about 5:30 to avoid the heat? I doubt it. Will the band still be in the sun at 6? Probably. Will it be 98 degrees on the 25th? Probably not.
Re: Ragin' Cajun Blog: UL-Middle Tennessee football game changed to 6 p.m.
Originally Posted by
_ Let's work on being 2-1 and fresh going into the ESPN2 game the next week and having 30,000 in the stands. _
ATX and fam will be there! Finally!
Re: Ragin' Cajun Blog: UL-Middle Tennessee football game changed to 6 p.m.
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_ Wouldn't it be hilarious if a front came through on Friday evening, bringing cooler temps and a Saturday high of about 83, only to be followed by another front that arrives at about 5:30 on Saturday, dropping about 3" of rain on Cajun Field??? _
Meanwhile, Troy enjoys the cool front and the TV game. Very hilarious.
Re: Ragin' Cajun Blog: UL-Middle Tennessee football game changed to 6 p.m.
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_ Meanwhile, Troy enjoys the cool front and the TV game. Very hilarious. _
What is so hilarious about it? It's not like we just gave up ESPN2.
Like I posted before it's regional TV... at the same time at 2:30 in the day I guarantee people are watching ABC, NBC, ESPN, FSN, ESPN2...
We have other TV opportunities this season including ESPN2.
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
The loss of TV is a little bit of a knock but the benefits of an evening game are much more advantageous. I can almost guarantee we would have had a terrible, terrible turnout for a 2:30 MT game due to the memory and massive complaining about the ASU gameday. We'll recover a good bit having moved to 6pm, attendance-wise.
We did some damage with attendance, regardless, by having that experience (and endless whining) at the ASU game. Hopefully, some will not opt to vegetate at home and will come see this game.
I wonder what the complaints will be following the MT game. I guess we'll go back to parking, kids playing in the grass, loud PA, the band, dirty bathrooms, and all the other babyfied BS that a lot of you guys apparently wearing lace panties want us to hear about week in and week out. (oh, but if you are a nice looking girl (or working hard at it) or a mom... I sincerely care... really I do... about all the things in life that bother you... but all you foul smelling male maggots need to write a letter to the AD and/or put a lid on it). JMO
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
:hot::hot:Ok, so I am at work and do not have time to read through all the pages of responses, so what I have to say may have already been covered. This is BS! We are from South Louisiana and are going to complain about the heat! 15K for a team that went 6-6 and blown out by Ga is a pretty darn good attendance for the 1st home game IMO; I love my Cajuns but we are not at the capacity or level of an LSU etc to expect a sell out every game. Now the bigger issue is we lose the TV exposure. If you think getting 4 more hours of tailgate in and playing under the lights is worth losing TV coverage you are nuts! I would even dare to say the student section will have less in it because they will all be more intoxicated. My last issue is that we can change this but the University and its officials do nothing on the BIG issues that actually mean something. I am sorry but this just plum ____es me off. Regardless I will be there but I just could not keep my mouth shut on this one.:hot::hot:
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
Originally Posted by
_ :hot::hot:Ok, so I am at work and do not have time to read through all the pages of responses, so what I have to say may have already been covered. This is BS! We are from South Louisiana and are going to complain about the heat! 15K for a team that went 6-6 and blown out by Ga is a pretty darn good attendance for the 1st home game IMO; I love my Cajuns but we are not at the capacity or level of an LSU etc to expect a sell out every game. Now the bigger issue is we lose the TV exposure. If you think getting 4 more hours of tailgate in and playing under the lights is worth losing TV coverage you are nuts! I would even dare to say the student section will have less in it because they will all be more intoxicated. My last issue is that we can change this but the University and its officials do nothing on the BIG issues that actually mean something. I am sorry but this just plum ____es me off. Regardless I will be there but I just could not keep my mouth shut on this one.:hot::hot: _
Someone could have died last week.
End of discussion.
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
Originally Posted by
_ Someone could have died last week.
End of discussion. _
But no one did.. And now, we've annexed our chance to be in the homes of 15 million people..
Originally Posted by
Someone could have died last week.
End of discussion.
Planes could crash so are your not gonna fly, you could get in a car wreck so are you not gonna drive, you could choke so are you not gonna eat? You could go on for days with could haves.
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
Originally Posted by
_ Someone could have died last week.
End of discussion. _
How would that effect game time? There have been multiple cases of players or coaches losing their lives or the lives of family members during the season and it didn't effect the game time.
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
Originally Posted by
_ But no one did.. And now, we've annexed our chance to be in the homes of 15 million people.. _
Now the athletic department has to live with that alcatraz around it's neck. :o:
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
Originally Posted by
_ Someone could have died last week.
End of discussion. _
If you or someone you know is at that age or has terrible health problems that the heat would have killed you, then you are the one's that need this T.V. game.....but oh well? We lost our TV game where these aforementioned people could have watched without being in harms way and now we could risk more people potentially dying at our football game next week. For those concerned...don't eat the spicy nuts they are potentially life threatening if you don't eat them correctly. I'm not sure if we should even play football anymore with all the health hazards. Bunch of fricken "Bubble Boys" huh?
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
Originally Posted by
_ But no one did.. And now, we've annexed our chance to be in the homes of 15 million people.. _
Please...how many people watched the stAte-UL game on the Sun Belt Network last Saturday? People are acting like 15,000,000 people were watching that game. I'd be surprised if we had 100,000 watching and that's a stretch. And of that 100,000, I'd say 75% were fans of other Sun Belt schools tuning in to watch Sun Belt football.
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
Well I may be selfish but I like 6pm
I have to work for 2:30 games and can't make them.
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
That's totally fine Turbine...selfish, not really. As long as you're not missing because the sun's out during the summer......
We gotta get a dome or else we're doomed. But please don't make it retractable because that may scare off 20-30% due to the fact that it may be opened at some point during the game. :hot:
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
I'm kinda over the whole complaining thing for last weeks event, but the whole tv thing seems a bit over plugged. The whole argument that we took ourselves out of 15 million homes is a bit over the top, you do realize that there are more than 5 available sports channels on cable now, all of which are spread throughout the country, but the subscribers to cox cables and direct tv who carries cox sports network, I doubt anywhere on the even 100,000 people would tune into watch UL play on tv, instead of watching Notre Dame, or any other big games on tv. I am sorry for those UL fans or recruits who cannot watch the game because of being from out of town or another state. So the arguement that we aren't being shown in front of millions is a little much... I would never give up the ESPN tv time, but cox sports it's really not that bad people....
Sunbelt network is also picked up by css
Originally Posted by
I'm kinda over the whole complaining thing for last weeks event, but the whole tv thing seems a bit over plugged. The whole argument that we took ourselves out of 15 million homes is a bit over the top, you do realize that there are more than 5 available sports channels on cable now, all of which are spread throughout the country, but the subscribers to cox cables and direct tv who carries cox sports network, I doubt anywhere on the even 100,000 people would tune into watch UL play on tv, instead of watching Notre Dame, or any other big games on tv. I am sorry for those UL fans or recruits who cannot watch the game because of being from out of town or another state. So the arguement that we aren't being shown in front of millions is a little much... I would never give up the ESPN tv time, but cox sports it's really not that bad people....
Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You
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_ Sunbelt network is also picked up by css
igeaux.mobi _
Yep. That's how we get to watch UL games here in Houston.