Those uniforms are not attractive and send mixed branding messages of Louisiana and Acadiana. We embrace our town, but we are not a regional university. Stick with the Vermilion and White!
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Those uniforms are not attractive and send mixed branding messages of Louisiana and Acadiana. We embrace our town, but we are not a regional university. Stick with the Vermilion and White!
Killer promotion from Navy with nothing to do with us(literally adjusting Navy fighter planes to match a uni). That's what I was conveying. We already have some killer unis and helmets. We're good to go.
Attachment 20810
Well could just take the Acadiana off but black and white red border good to go unless its a bright color like yellow or baby blue it wonr stand out and look good,
ULM are all in on the P-40 Warhawk concept. Trust me talking to a ULM fan yesterday they hate there black uniforms think it looks like Grambling if i wanted to go to a Grambling game he be there lol
Not only burn the uniforms but also fire the person responsible and never bring them back. In addition, write a policy that prohibits use of non-school colors. Vermilion and White only!
They just black and white agreed. Black facemask. This is about the best you gonna get.
Attachment 20811
Attachment 20812
Yall just do not want black uniforms
this is what I was talking about, they wore these last night vs KState
It is all for fun anyway here is a spin stuck with the double strip instead of the triple white strip. Stuck the strip on the helmet.
Attachment 20814
If we are going on in on veterans day lets do something crazy like!
Attachment 20815
If yall hate black!!! What if we did this keep the colors red and white and just put a Louisiana American flag logo? You know for military appreciation week?
Now this i actually like!!!
Attachment 20816
This is true
Also, with the use of digital-based binoculars, digital night vision googles,
And Other digital opticals used by our potential adversaries, the use of pixelated uniforms is a defense and helps thwart accurate visuals that result from these digital opticals
This is true
Also, with the use of digital-based binoculars, digital night vision googles,
And Other digital opticals used by our potential adversaries, the use of pixelated uniforms is a defense and helps thwart accurate visuals that result from these digital opticals
I like adding the underline, but why is thw script S a capital?
The script was AI generated! I liked the script, and think it would be more pronounced if used on a black helmet. Then thr oroginal Cajuns script.
Either way it needs to be all white not red.
If you go to, it really creates some great logos like the script Louisiana etc.
Stuff it produces looks high quality stuff we could actually use for athletics. If they like it trademark it and use it.
Just like the concept of a Cajun Hat i think that could be something we could use.
Attachment 20817
I had the idea of taking the hat, and like tipping it off the state like this.
Which all i did was take Turbines state silhouette and removing the background and just have the hat hang on the state. Just trying different concepts.
Attachment 20818
Something else i created i know what yall going to say Los Angeles but i think these would look good on a hat. I put a FDL in the middle of the A that way you are thinking Louisiana and not Los Angeles
We have a bunch of Cajuns Logo but what about something like this to represent the school?
Attachment 20829
Attachment 20830
Attachment 20831
Don't try to DODGEr the question. ;)
I don't think a fluer-de-lis is enough to get around their trademarked interlocking typeface.
Here is another LA
Attachment 20833
When you say the font is owned?
Attachment 20834