Top of the 8th and there are 193 people total in Sections 106 thru 110.
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Top of the 8th and there are 193 people total in Sections 106 thru 110.
Less now. More people at Fall Ball.
Fk it. Clean house
Wonder when Jay will come post his stats... if he's waiting for another offensive explosion to inflate the numbers, he may be waiting a while....
Baseball teaches you to handle failure. We have a lot to handle.
10-3 UNO.. I would be happy but.. This sucks..
Clutch hit that wasn’t Toro. Windham with 2 rbi single with 2 outs.
Top of the lineup rally killers strike again.
Won’t be enough people to sing the fight song in the bottom of the ninth.
Don’t think l have ever been able to hear the banter from the opposing teams dugout. It is louder than the remaining crowd.
So will the mic work for the postgame interview? What robeism will he hit us with?
I saw Maggard at the game. He saw the stands and heard the disdain.
If you want to let this team go to ____, start charging me $100 for my season tickets again and take off all of the fees. If I'm paying for filet mignon, don't give me well done sirloin.
I wonder what our RPI will be after this _____ sandwich tonight?
It’s OFFICIAL now, even I’m hitting the panic button!!! :D
Just write a book, go on a tour and ride off into the sunset man. Tired of all the robeisms. Win goddamn games.
It was not fun to watch tonight. I don't expect it to be fun tomorrow. I've decided to put myself on an inning count. Baseball is a long season. I know I can go 5 but I'll only leave myself at the game longer if the game is close. Otherwise, I will leave after the 5th in the hopes that leaving early at this part of the season will pay off with extra innings later in the season. I mean, the last thing I want to do now is waste innings watching us lose and be told by my wife later in the season if they start winning that I have exceeded my yearly inning count.
I keep seeing the meltdown thread come to the top and forget that it’s not the yearlong baseball thread...