Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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"Baseball has potential." .....GFY dude.
How would you describe the baseball program differently than that? It is pretty clearly our second best program, but nationally, how else could you describe it other than "has potential"?
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Of course some of our alumni with money have stepped up, some in a very big way. My point is that we have done a horrible job of promoting ourselves outside our alumni circle. We don't need to find 1000 people to put up $10000 each; we need to sell all of our athletic contests as self-produced packages to ESPN, FSN and others at a profit; we need to quit giving our product away for others to profit from it. We need to quit letting students in free to games, since we won't get a fee. We need to establish our brand as strongly as possible nationwide, even worldwide. A person in Poland or South Africa can buy our merchandise as easily as one from Lafayette. We have not even begun to tap our potential market.
Can't say that I disagree with that comment. That said, I have to admit I'm not familiar with the rules regarding student fee's, but the previous comment regarding the fact that our tuition up until recently was the lowest in the state. Not sure why we have to get student approval to raise fee's , if that's the case then let raise tuition 3% that would be around $240 a year and or $20.00 month increase. Even during these difficult times, that seems doable. No doubt the branding issues is important, and I assume that is one of the reasons they hired a consultant, and hopefully they will recommend a plan of action to make this happen.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
I hate to rain on anybody's parade, but the timing of this report couldn't be any worse. It has come out just in time to see the oilfield completely shut down while the entire world heads into recession. The Great State of Louisiana is also completely broke at this time. It also comes out just as the P5 conferences are imposing the cost of pay for play on all of us.
Not to beat a dead horse, but we needed to have acted on the information in this report 15-20 years ago. As usual, our timing is a day late, and a dollar short.
We'll be doing well if we can just maintain the status quo over the next few years.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics let's just give up and send Alden on his way. It's over.
BS. We didn't do it 15 years ago. We have the report in hand NOW. The best time to act is NOW. Let's do it.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Either we act and react its too late. There is no other way to put this. Mike Alden knows this, others in the business know this and now TJOE knows this. He has now been informed by a professional that he hired for this specific purpose. No, we can't worry about the past except we continued to ignore over a 25 year period what was going on around us (realignment). Our track record is worrisome.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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I hate to rain on anybody's parade, but the timing of this report couldn't be any worse. It has come out just in time to see the oilfield completely shut down while the entire world heads into recession. The Great State of Louisiana is also completely broke at this time. It also comes out just as the P5 conferences are imposing the cost of pay for play on all of us.
Not to beat a dead horse, but we needed to have acted on the information in this report 15-20 years ago. As usual, our timing is a day late, and a dollar short.
We'll be doing well if we can just maintain the status quo over the next few years.
I completely disagree. The constructs required to be put in place need to be in place when the oil economy returns. Everyone in this state is being pinched right now. Many are more vulnerable than UL. Just from a regional perspective, making a move to put these recommendations in place, will advance us immeasurably. When do you work the soil, fertilize and plant seeds? While its raining? In the middle of a harvest? No. It's time for UL to launch. When the oil boosters kick in later, we'll blaze a massive trail. We have things going for us athletically. Our master plan for facilities is underway. RCAF and our athletic programs are moving in the right direction. We are way better off than many others. But if we fail to take advantage of what we have available, it's going to shrink down to a poor base to work with.
As for student athletic fees, our administration needs to go with the recommendations of the assessment. If it's how our competitor universities are funding athletics to a significant advantage, we must tap into it. I'd work it up over a few years to the eventual target fee. But it is long overdue. And I could care less about the nonparticipating student opinion. They get the advantages of what athletic prowess lends the entire university, whether they participate or not.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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I completely disagree. The constructs required to be put in place need to be in place when the oil economy returns. Everyone in this state is being pinched right now. Many are more vulnerable than UL. Just from a regional perspective, making a move to put these recommendations in place, will advance us immeasurably. When do you work the soil, fertilize and plant seeds? While its raining? In the middle of a harvest? No. It's time for UL to launch. When the oil boosters kick in later, we'll blaze a massive trail. We have things going for us athletically. Our master plan for facilities is underway. RCAF and our athletic programs are moving in the right direction. We are way better off than many others. But if we fail to take advantage of what we have available, it's going to shrink down to a poor base to work with.
As for student athletic fees, our administration needs to go with the recommendations of the assessment. If it's how our competitor universities are funding athletics to a significant advantage, we must tap into it. I'd work it up over a few years to the eventual target fee. But it is long overdue. And I could care less about the nonparticipating student opinion. They get the advantages of what athletic prowess lends the entire university, whether they participate or not.
Correct, 1/2 full glass as opposed to 1/2 empty glass, regarding student fees why let the nuts run the asylum, that should be a parental decision and or the person paying the bill, and there is no doubt that the oil patch will rebound, and that there's definitely better days ahead. Great post.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Boy, this is definitely a Ragin Pagin thread. A 79 page document that validates, corroborates, and cements what we've all said needed to happen to further our program for years, crafted by outside professionals that have taken a good look at us with a critical eye and made suggestions that will get us there if implemented, and half the posts about it are folks btching about the name.
Never change, you guys.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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One of the competitor's questionnaire mentioned misspelled words on the cajundome jumbotron. I'm glad that was mentioned because when I see that kind of stuff my blood boils. It's amateur and so embarrassing.
Yeah, I think that frightened me more than anything else in that report. Playing right into the "dumb Cajuns"/Waterboy stereotype with stupid ____ like that.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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CajunRed let's just give up and send Alden on his way. It's over.
BS. We didn't do it 15 years ago. We have the report in hand NOW. The best time to act is NOW. Let's do it.
Yep. The Ray Brothers didn't give enough ____s about athletics to even have request such a report. Or if they had, they would have just hired some of their good ole boy buddies.
Ray Authement seemed to despise athletics so much, he probably would read this report and try to do the exact opposite to kill off the energy as fast as possible.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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As someone that has paid a number of fees that TOPS doesn't pay as a parent and continue to do so at this time, it needs to be discussed. I don't argue that the climate is not right today, but when will it be in the future? For too long, our students and parents have paid much cheaper tuition then most other state university students and college students in our region. At some point the fee needs to be addressed and allowed to go to vote. If it does not pass, then students should be charged the public cost for tickets to all sporting events period. Its all part of raising athletic revenue.
Didn't we bring student fees to a vote some years back but it was shot down by the students vote?
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Serious question.. Does anyone think that the current leadership in the athletic department can successfully implement this plan? I'm guessing the part that wasn't released had a review of organizational structures as well as its capabilities.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Simple answer....NO
I'm in agreement. Is it fair to say until that is changed then the rest of this doesn't matter?
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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...and there is no doubt that the oil patch will rebound, and that there's definitely better days ahead.
Been in the business over twenty years and this one is different. This is the first time in the history of O&G that we have a supply side issue stacked on top of a demand side problem. Geopolitics can often cause sudden changes in our industry and we need to hope something happens in this area because from an economics standpoint I don't think we are close to an end.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Correct, 1/2 full glass as opposed to 1/2 empty glass, regarding student fees why let the nuts run the asylum, that should be a parental decision and or the person paying the bill, and there is no doubt that the oil patch will rebound, and that there's definitely better days ahead. Great post.
Agreed. There will always be those pessimistic souls who see only bad things and spout nothing but negativity; the trick is to not let them bring the rest of us down with them.
Sure, we coulda/shoulda done things better, and a long time ago.....but the fact is we did not. Doesn't mean we shouldn't start doing the right thing now.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Simple answer....NO
i agree with it in sense that we cant do it with "current" leadership. one thing i read throughout the report is that we need to beef up our staff on all fronts. 8 of 10 schools in the survey had 12-15 people solely responsible for brand protection / promotion. i think our whole marketing staff is like 3 people pulled in different directions. we need to grow support staff as well as the fundraising staff, and thats going to take money. i hope they can see that it needs to be an investment and not look at it as a cost incurred. its going to take spending money to make money and that is the decision that i think everyone on here is waiting to see if it is made or not.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
All the indicators are depicting that we're close to the bottom, Saudi's losing $14 billion a month, the shale plays were adding serious quantities to production every month, but those rigs are stacked, and the production decreases have not shown up yet, More than likely we'll see a slow recovery by the end of the year. That said, if we have such a large surplus why are we still importing 8 million barrels a day from the Middle East? Unfortunately , any players with large debt will probably not survive, especially the independent shale players.
Re: Ragin' Cajuns Release Consultant Report
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Next move is his Mike, after that we will just have to wait. For me it's simple, if the same captain remains at the wheel the iceberg is straight ahead.
Notice the Suggested Timeline on his recommendations. Many are Immediate. Others are in 2016 and some are just a couple of months away. The ball is now in your court, Dr. S. No time to screw around with this if we want Alden to continue working with us. This is UL's moment of truth.