Its the game-changer Vic. And the Natty Light tent.
And that ribbon board, I mean, it has completely changed my view on what Cajun Field's future is. It is now very bright. (no pun intended). It actually is VERY bright.
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Yea that scrolling lighted board above student section is awesome.
Anyone know kickoff time for Buffalo game?
Couple of things I also noticed - they were playing another college football game on the scoreboard at the Tigue before the game. I remember reading that recommendation on here- not sure if this was new.
The updates to the tunnel are sick. Added red and white lights in the back and smoke in the back, not just at the field.
Proactivity ROCKS
My only complaint: waters and sports drinks were hot as can be in the 1st quarter in the grab & go cooler line. How can that happen so soon into the game?!
Everything else was great.
Tailgate was great. Large variety of food. Cool breeze under the tree. Was about 130 degrees on the road for the Cajun Walk.
Ticket scanning was easy. Worked great once they swiped the scanner across my phone instead of just holding it there.
No real concession line with RCAF Fast Pass. Walked right up, got my crawfish nachos quickly, and headed to my seat.
Ribbon board was great. Just had me thinking lightning every time it flashed during the delay.
Loved the Jimmy Buffett songs during the delay.
Tyler was a great addition to keep fans involved in the game.
Oh yeah, it's always great when the Cajuns win!
Watched the game on ESPN+ here in Houston. The crowd looked much larger than 18,000. Student attendance looked really good. After half time, no one was left in the stadium. Didn't look like more than about 5,000 in the stands.
Only 2 Home games in the next 5 weeks, Buffalo on 9-23 and TX State (who just beat Baylor) on 10-7. 2 Away games before our next home game vs. Buffalo. Let's hope a 3-0 start and serious marketing leads to greater attendance.
Phone connectivity is far and away the worst thing about the gameday experience. Until they fix that, the experience will be awful. My other issue is with TV and CFB in general. Changing the clock rules so that we can have even more commercial time is awful for the game. We are sitting around watching less football in stadium now. Thats why phone connectivity is the biggest issue we have.
Please explain what you mean by the clock rules changes. I read there are no longer any clock stoppages on first downs or going out of bounds (except at under 2 minutes in second and fourth quarters). I am not aware of any added commercial time.
I think I am just lucky; I have not had any phone issues inside the stadium. Of course most of my time is spent watching the game and not my phone.