Yes Virginia there is a Szefclause
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I swear everytime I see a new post from Tech, I know it's gonna be hilarious. Sure, maybe your team is #15 in a poll, but is Tech known for having one of the top teams in Louisiana? No, and your conference is dying, unlike ours which is getting better and better. Go ____ yourself
No bad language please.
It's unbecoming of a winner. :)
I don't think you should make fun of La Tech like that, they had problems because of the weather. And they even got help from the government:
No, I'm not defending anyone. Just a little empathy.
Aren’t universities supposed to be fiduciaries with regard to the assets they are responsible for. Absolutely tornados are a menace to life and property. That menace is one that is insurable, even the deductible and depreciation are insurable.
In Katrina Allstate Insurance failed to buy a Loyds reinsurance policy. That negligence required them to lose hundreds of millions in retained earnings. They were not allowed to include those loses in their request for rate increases to the policy holders.
Now I’m supposed to have empathy for Zombie LoTech not doing their fiduciary duty. They shouldn’t be subsidized beyond a crappy obsolete metal bleacher stadium like they had in the two diamond sports.
For what it’s worth we ratepayers shouldn’t be under-righting power companies for depreciated rotted and rusted out poles. But we are still paying for Katrina