The difference is you don't have to read my _____ piece.
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Let me know when everyone is hugging and singing Kumbaya...
Your whole 5th paragraph is "know your place" in a nutshell.
Has it ever occurred to you that one of the reason so many die hard UL fans hate LSU is that we are constantly lectured to about what they should think about LSU? It's always the UL fan that has to modify his opinion...nobody ever asks LSU fans why it might be they are so hated. And when you investigate the situation WE ARE IN THE RIGHT. LSU is the personification, in almost every way, of what is and has always been wrong with Louisiana.
There's so many things to say here but I'll do my best to stay on topic.
I grew up going to LSU games and UL games. I loved sports. Still do.
I was travel ball and all star summers into baseball when Tony took the Cajuns to Omaha. That changed everything for me. I watched Warren Morris hit the home run, but it was nothing like seeing the Cajuns dog pile on South Carolina's field or watching us beat Clemson on National TV. When I realized that BIG THINGS could be done in my hometown, my allegiance was solidified. Like many of you, I had the opportunity to leave town for college. I didn't. I wanted to be a Ragin Cajun. I wanted to tie a bond to this place forever. It's a unique University in a unique town (and just so happened to have an excellent Engineering department, so checked my boxes) that made me feel like it would uniquely represent who I was. And I could return the favor.
Funny thing happened though.. When I started being "more UL than LSU", my friends made fun. My family made comments. My teammates laughed. While I was sitting in the rain watching Jerry frictin Baldwin torpedo this program, Denardo was building something in Baton Rouge, and Saban was doing unprecedented things.. I'll never forget that feeling. But even before, the "If you don't support the Cajuns, move to Baton Rouge" campaign was right up my ally. THAT was what we needed. The number didn't matter. We just needed a solid, convicted group of people around this town to say, "You know what, Fù** those jerks across the Basin", we're our own people; this is our university; these are OUR boys, playing for the pride of OUR people. Since then, we have built that. And it's still growing. And it's a wonderful thing. It's a big reason why I decided to say YES when Gerry & Matt asked me to be a part of the podcast. It was another avenue to grow that group of people that didn't need the approval or OK from Tiggah fans.
I'll never bend a knee to Baton Rouge. In fact, I'll John Snow those motha effers before anything else. They (for the most part) represent a toxic culture, a type of person that I loathe to my core. A bandwagon, scene type, that jumps on the next thing because it's 'cool.' NO loyalty, no class, no willingness to weather the storm. WEAK. Tiny Dīck syndrome. Insecure. I hate it. It's not just about football. Or sports. It's about pride, having our piece of the pie, that WE DESERVE, and a way of life.
I'm glad you know Double D, Kyle. You're a better man for it. I'm glad you know, Ed O. I'm sure he's a fascinating guy. I could spend 3 hours listing the names of great men that i've had the opportunity to know because of this university, it's athletic programs and yes, now, the podcast. I choose to plant my roots here. For a very specific reason. And I'll defend and fight for it as long as I can. I am who I am. I don't give half a fú** about making friends, saying the right things, operating in the grey or stroking the egos of the hangers on. (that's what I have Gerry for - The Liaison!)
Love me or hate me. There really is no in between. Cheers
If that's what you got out of it, then that's all you are looking to get out of any dialogue concerning growing your own fan base. This isn't about knowing your place. This is about you & guys like YOU not knowing how BIG your place could be. But you keep killing those opportunities to grow by the way you talk about the very people who live on your street & in your neighborhood, the people you work with, or where you do business. It's not the average LSU fan's fault, or the average football fan's fault that LSU is an arrogant corrupt institution that steals & deals off the bottom of the deck & cheats at every turn. It's their administration's fault.
The average LSU fan couldn't tell you anything about the campus other than the athletic areas if that. Blaming those people & mistreating them rather than welcoming them is not conducive to the growth of the UL brand. If you take this as a know your place post then it's because you are just looking to hate & stir up grief for no reason. I look forward to the day UL has people packed like cord wood in the stands. It could be this week. But don't screw up these opportunities by letting that bunch over there even get any oxygen.
I can tell you thousands of the people that will be at that game will have split allegiances, or be LSU fan going to a UL game for the first time. Welcome them & let them see you are above the moronic ____ stirrers in their fan base that always try to compare _____ size. If you take anything, but decent advice from this post, you are not wanting what's best for your own brand.
So, when I'm told constantly that I should pull for both teams because LSU is Louisiana's team, and I say thanks but no thanks I'll go on hating them.....that's my bad? I've NEVER asked why someone pulls for anybody else and UL (LSU, or whoever) but I've been asked countless times by LSU fans why I don't pull for both. When I say "because I didn't go there" (and leave out the decades of LSU ____ting on UL) I get eye rolls and looks of shock that I don't bow before the LSU alter.
As plainly as possible, LSU is a blight on Louisiana and college sports.
I'm all for crossover fans, but I'm not sugarcoating LSU for them.