Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
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I think Trump would be the Orange.
LOL... good one.
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
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Tim Buckley doesn't give a ____ about our program.
Yes, because you know what Tim Buckley cares about and what he doesn't. Get out of here.
Buckley is doing his job. His job does not involve making sure the university and its athletic department are seen in the most positive light; that is the university's job. His job is to report the news. This video garnered national attention; that is news in itself. This article is looking at how the video will effect donations to RCAF. Sounds like news to me.
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
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Tim Buckley doesn't give a ____ about our program.
Jay Walker wrote a story. Does he not "give a ___ about our program"
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
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Jack, I'm upset that I instantly knew how it would outrage people. There's a seriousness at several levels. Some people are disgusted over the behavior itself. Some people were disgusted that it was video'd and leaked to the public. Some people were disgusted over Hud defending it in the terms he chose. But in no case am I mad at anyone that is upset about any of the prior mentioned issues.
Why are the fan reactions being questioned? Seriously? I knew instantly that this would infuriate some fans I know. THAT is what upsets me. I know people that do give and support the university that I believe are walking away from it. I know others that I'd like to see return to the fold... and this is probably going to eliminate them. They are entitled to feel the way they do... and to do with their money and time whatever they choose. I'm disgusted by this. We never can have anything worth a damn at UL without knotheads messing things up.
And for anyone that thinks losing RCAF members and money is "replaceable". You are a moron. With money... we'll attract ample athletes. Without it... we're screwed. Think otherwise and stay in a dumb dark place the rest of your life.
If this does not start taking the tone of pure contrition on the part of UL... and all surrogates of UL... we're going to pay a heavier price. It's not even in question. Some of the classiest existing long term financial supporters of our university have spoken up. And if you tell them they are "over reacting"... and that "we don't need them anymore"... you need to think again.
I cannot and will not tell those donors and fans who pulled money or do not want to support this program how to feel, but I really do hope they reconsider. In my opinion it was not as outrages as many on this board are saying...but that's just my opinion. I've been hearing from some of these same people the past 8 years that we shouldn't be so sensitive and offended so easily, but when it's something they care passionately about they do the same. Again, that is up to them but let's practice what we preach. We always have to be outraged about something.
With that being said, Hud should have never even made the comment...he should have been smart enough to know that this ____ off fans. It's the world we live in. If that is how he feels, fine, nothing you or I can do can change that, but he needed to keep that to himself.
Again to clarify, I do not think they are replaceable I just hope they reconsider.
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
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Apples (Trump) and Oranges (UL players) question, what discipline did Hud issue to the four players. He said he took care of it. In what way. Are is that to much to ask? Harris also is trying to sugar coat this with his comments on the DA today. Our emotions got the best of us...I guess all of this is in the silent stage also.
How they handle this is much like anything else that goes on internally. It is not our business how they manage discipline or new rules.
Let's face it... the actions themselves of the athletes wasn't that big of a deal. They were slinging out a tune that is very popular right now (believe it or not)... and they were acting the fools to it. I sure am glad all of my shenanigans weren't video'd when I was their age. It was the fact that it went out to the public... and it reflected terribly on our school. Then Hud said the wrong thing.
As for Harris... I think his management of this... per Buckley's article... is about as professional as it can be dealt with. We're actually fortunate that Harris has a play in this. It probably is the donor/supporter that we have the most damage control to worry about.
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
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I cannot and will not tell those donors and fans who pulled money or do not want to support this program how to feel, but I really do hope they reconsider. In my opinion it was not as outrages as many on this board are saying...but that's just my opinion. I've been hearing from some of these same people the past 8 years that we shouldn't be so sensitive and offended so easily, but when it's something they care passionately about they do the same. Again, that is up to them but let's practice what we preach. We always have to be outraged about something.
With that being said, Hud should have never even made the comment...he should have been smart enough to know that this ____ off fans. It's the world we live in. If that is how he feels, fine, nothing you or I can do can change that, but he needed to keep that to himself.
Again to clarify, I do not think they are replaceable I just hope they reconsider.
The video was inflammatory. Time could have done much to allow the "offended" to separate from it and forget about it. It was actually Hud's comments that infuriated a few people I know. They don't care what you, me, Hud or Ragin Pagin cares about "their feelings". I do. I want them to stay with the university. I don't want them taking this personally. Some of them have young grandkids... and they are already upset about how college kids behave... how much trash is on social media... and this did not do our cause well. THAT is what bothers me.
I hope they reconsider as well. But people slamming them for not liking it... are the ones that need to stick a sock in it right now. We are WAY past due to stop belittling our fans and supporters.
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
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How they handle this is much like anything else that goes on internally. It is not our business how they manage discipline or new rules.
Let's face it... the actions themselves of the athletes wasn't that big of a deal. They were slinging out a tune that is very popular right now (believe it or not)... and they were acting the fools to it. I sure am glad all of my shenanigans weren't video'd when I was their age. It was the fact that it went out to the public... and it reflected terribly on our school. Then Hud said the wrong thing.
As for Harris... I think his management of this... per Buckley's article... is about as professional as it can be dealt with. We're actually fortunate that Harris has a play in this. It probably is the donor/supporter that we have the most damage control to worry about.
Agree 100% with this.
There was, however, a lot of initial outrage with the video though, even before Hud commented, but I think alot of folks changed their tune on that.
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
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Agree 100% with this.
There was, however, a lot of initial outrage with the video though, even before Hud commented, but I think alot of folks changed their tune on that.
I initially went to UL and asked if I could produce a video in the ladies' locker room... with a really cool Hip Hop tune I produced... that slams "The Clinton's". I told them that it would definitely even out the series. But when they told me I could not show a young lady nude from behind... I ditched the project.
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
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Dan McDonald and Josh Parrott, and Luke Johnson, actually wanted to see our athletic program be successful.
Tim Buckley doesn't give a ____ about our program.
A couple of months ago during the stadium debacle people (not necessarily you cajunrunner) were complaining that John Moon and others protect the university and sugar coat everything to protect Farmer, TJoe etc. They were praising Schultz because he was asking looking for answers regarding the stadium.
I agree that Buckley acts as if he would rather be sitting in the fires of hell than be "stuck" in this city, but he is doing his job on this one. If we want all the facts we need to take the good with the bad.
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
Hud is putting out a very solid message in the press conference right now.