Des, dont fight it man. Some folks dont get it. I have absolutely NO qualms about the work we have done in the past.
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Read what was said. The "have to" is the point he is making. Any university wants to have people want to volunteer, but when they don't, the university needs to take it upon themselves to maintain the facilities. Fan maintenance days are great for the university, but the university needs to do its part in between those days.
Sorry, DC, but I respectfully disagree. I have done a couple of the events and they ARE fun. But his point was directed at cutting grass and weeds. And the general neglect to grounds maintenance on campus. I think the volunteer painting, pressure washing, etc. events are fine for volunteers. But routine grounds maintenance such as clearing out weeds and cutting grass are needed far to often and have far too little lasting effect to rely on volunteer efforts. That needs to be a university obligation to perform regular, routine maintenance both on the main campus and at the satellite areas such as the athletic complex. This goes to the pride in our campus issue which he touched on. Also, he lives in Houston which makes participation a little difficult. I live in Mandeville which is about half as far as Houston and it is hard for me to get there very often. I imagine it would be even tougher coming from H-town.
1. Ragin Cajun Athletic Foundation (RCAF)
2. New Athletic Complex/Players Lounge/Weight Room/Training Room/Locker Rooms overlooking Cajun Field
3. Matching Upper Deck with Suites
4. Baseball/Softball new construction
5. Just win baby!!!
1. Pressure wash the stadium (a must with the new field)!
2. In conjunction with the announcement of a new fundraising organization (CAF) - renovate baseball/softball complex; new dorms and academic center.
If we get this done...really can't come up with much more at this point!
Thanks for the supportive comments as you understand what I am saying. I think it is great that you guys have the volunteer days and do all that you do. My point, however, is that it is a shame that a 1A athletic program cannot keep up with simple maintenance tasks on a weekly basis and allow the athletic properties to look like crap. There is a difference, IMO, in doing some volunteer painting or stadium washing, for example, vs. having to cut grass and trim weeds. That some volunteers need to step up to do the work is to be applauded, but should be unnecessary. Every time I go to Lafayette, the grounds at the athletic complex are unkept, even CajunDome Blvd. is uncut and that is on game days. There is just no excuse for that and it shouldn't take volunteers to keep up the grounds on a daily basis and particularly on game days. We have a nice athletic complex that is improving each year. It is bad enough to have it tarnished by a lack of maintenance on the facilities. But to not have proper grounds maintenance is inexcusable and only serves to detract from the kind of image we seek.
My 2 cents.
We must do a better job at getting the "little things" done like maintenance, cleaning, and waste removal before the big things. This includes painting and pressure washing the stadium, whatever it costs.
Now, as far as big projects, I think you must do the most pressing needs first before the really cool stuff like second tiers for Cajun Field.
One of the most pressing needs for the university as a whole is STUDENT HOUSING. Best answer is getting use of Girard Park. They won't let us. So, we have to look elsewhere.
I believe the answer is staring us right in the face. Demolish Blackham. Demolish those barns. Move the horticulture center to Cade. This would be a huge area perfect for another "Legacy Park" right near the athletic complex.
Secondly, we need an ACADEMIC STUDY CENTER for ALL sports to use.
Also, we need way more funding for athletics. The RCAF needs to be done, yesterday. And, it needs to be private.
If there is money for a baseball stadium, it needs to get done thus allowing both the baseball and softball programs to get new stadiums.
After the above gets done, then we should focus on expandin Cajun Field with luxury suites on the student side and weight rooms overlooking Cajun Field.