Great stuff thanks.
Looks like a whirl wind (of workers) went through one of those pictures.
Printable View
Great stuff thanks.
Looks like a whirl wind (of workers) went through one of those pictures.
An inch of rain on Friday February 9 and rain throughout the last week has kept the site pretty muddy but they still continue to make progress.
A view of Building one from the Hebrard Blvd and East University Intersection. Randolph Hall is to the right. They were setting up scaffolding to proceed with brick work. this building has about 60 percent of the windows installed. Once the roof is finished then the building will be out of the weather and they can really start to get interior work done.
<a href="" title="rose-1 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="421" height="500" alt="rose-1"></a>
A view of Building one from the Saucier Clinic steps. (the clinic has moved to the renovated OK Allen Hall). Windows are installed on a portion of this facade and they are moving to the left with window installation.
<a href="" title="rose-3 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="347" alt="rose-3"></a>
Building one as seen from the Student Union Service drive.
<a href="" title="rose4 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="324" alt="rose4"></a>
Building one to the rear getting its roof while a portion of building two in the foreground is at level two with the third floor deck on the way. This is from the north Harris Hall fire escape. I don't think I will be able to see building one from this vantage point much longer.
<a href="" title="rose-8 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="209" alt="rose-8"></a>
Building two as seen from North Harris Hall fire escape. This is where Bonin Hall used to be. The other end of Harris Hall is to the extreme right.
<a href="" title="rose-7 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="205" alt="rose-7"></a>
Building two as seen from Student Union Service drive. The fork lift bringing scaffolds to the front of building one passed through this area and it is so muddy the fork lift is sinking almost to its axles.
<a href="" title="rose-5 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="330" alt="rose-5"></a>
Randolph Hall renovation has begun now that interior Asbestos has been removed. They are removing asbestos from the crawl space now.
<a href="" title="rose-2 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="329" alt="rose-2"></a>
A view of construction from the driveway to my home. It won't be much different then before because the oak tress will hide most of the new buildings.
<a href="" title="rose-6 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="292" alt="rose-6"></a>
They were really getting with it yesterday and today because we are expecting rain almost every day this coming week.
The last photograph in the above post was the 590th photo of Campus construction. I will have to open another Flcikr account in a couple of weeks.
Wow. That's a lot of pics. Thanks for doing this for us, Helmet (posting your pics and explanations).
Best Thread on Site ... THANK YOU!
Thank you all very much. As you can see in the last photo above, I really don't have to go too far from home to get to the site. I originally started doing this for myself, but after a while I realized that many of the posters on this site are out of the Lafayette area and might enjoy seeing the happenings on campus. So I decided to do a weekly update. I try to keep in mind that lots of people on the site may not be as familiar with the campus as I am and I try to include the vantage point of each photo. I hope I have not confused too many people. If anybody is confused about and location please let me know and I will try to help you out.
As it has turned out I have made contact with the general superintendent for Juneau construction and provide him with a CD of all the photos once a month. He along with his home office are thankful for the photos. In the mean time I have provided Dr. Savoie with a complete copy of all the photos I have taken. I figured they might need them some day and they can use them for a historical record of what happened. Some of the photos have showed up on the "future student" Facebook page which came as a surprise to me. Np matter what, the University has a weekly record of construction from January 2 2011 to last weekend and I am glad to be able to do it. Thank God for digital cameras.
I drove through campus on signing day and was amazed!!!
The union phase should be getting underway really soon. Today, I saw workers clearing out Olivier Hall (old Parking & Transit Building) and tomorrow will be the last day Guillory Hall will be open.
It is my understanding that they are going to make Guillory Hall the temporary dining hall while they renovate the union. It will take some time to do this. They will probably start using Guillory as a dining hall for the Summer semester. Dr. Savoie told me the real renovation of the union won't start until August.
Guillory Hall was originally a dining hall so what comes around goes around.
Continued rains last week and over 3 inches of rain on Saturday February 18 has really made a mess of the construction site. They continue to make good progress despite the rain.
This is the first building as seen from the University Ave Hebrard Blvd intersection. The East University facade has the brick work almost finished.
<a href="" title="Rose-1 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="432" alt="Rose-1"></a>
Another view of the East University facade of the first building. It looks like they may be waiting on some precast elements to finish a few areas.
<a href="" title="Rose-6 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="330" alt="Rose-6"></a>
A view of the first building from the old Saucier clinic steps.
<a href="" title="Rose-2 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="286" alt="Rose-2"></a>
A view of the first building from the Olivier Parking Tower.
<a href="" title="Rose-4 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="219" alt="Rose-4"></a>
A view of both buildings from the top of the Olivier Parking Tower. The second building is starting to rise above the oak trees.
<a href="" title="Rose-3 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="138" alt="Rose-3"></a>
A view of the second building from the north Harris Hall fire escape. This building has blocked the view of the first building from here. This is the third and highest level of the Harris Hall fire escape so I can't get any higher. This will be the best view I can get.
<a href="" title="Rose-8 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="157" alt="Rose-8"></a>
Another view of the second building from the north Harris Hall fire escape. This is where Bonin used to be. The other end of Harris Hall is to the extreme right of this photo.
<a href="" title="rose-7 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="190" alt="rose-7"></a>
A view of the same area of the second building but from the east Harris Hall fire escape. McKinley Street is to the rear of the camera and University Ave is to the right of the second building.
<a href="" title="Rose-9 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="250" alt="Rose-9"></a>
A ground level shot of the second building. Harris Hall is to the rear of the camera. Work in this area on Monday will be a mess.
<a href="" title="Rose6 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="347" alt="Rose6"></a>
The East University Ave. facade of the second building. University Ave is to the right and McKinley is to the rear of the camera.
<a href="" title="Rose-5 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="376" alt="Rose-5"></a>
The above photo was the 200th photo on the third flickr account making it the 600th photo posted of campus construction. The following photo is the first of the fourth flickr account I set up for campus photos. Flickr allows you to have only 200 photos before they want to charge you for the additional photos.
This is a photo of the alley way between the two new buildings. Now that the second building is starting to take shape you can kind of get an idea of what it will be like when things are finished. The dozer is parked across the alley on purpose to keep the forklifts from running up and down the alley. The rains yesterday really made a mess of things and the fork lifts were sinking up to their axles on other parts of the job.
<a href="" title="Rose-10 by ddnaomi2, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="383" alt="Rose-10"></a>