IDK, those were some pretty big shrubs.
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Bump for history.
Glad this is back!
Pictures restored as of 3am August 9th
Been a while since there was a campus construction project to report on, but they is pretty big job going on where Hebrard crosses the pathway from Moody, etc., to the U. Seems they are widening sidewalks etc., and also will be putting a lot of pavers. Should be really nice. Especially if you remember what that same pathway looked like thru the old ‘eyesore’ buildings.
Looking towards University.
At the intersection, looking towards Moody and Bittle Halls
Looking toward Cypress Lake Plaza
On the new sidewalk, U behind me, Moody ahead.
The project at the Hebrard/Moody intersection is just about complete....and the wait was well worth it. The whole area looks fantastic and greatly further improves the look and functionality of it.
Looking towards Moody
With OK Allen in view
New courtyard area for Moody entrance
From Moody entrance looking towards Cypress Lake
And I’m also very glad that they have completed the low retaining wall around Cypress more crappy chain link fence from Burke-Hawthorne to Cypress Lake Plaza! They have also cleaned up the area around the oak tree picnic area, where the vets memorial plaque is, and it looks like they will be putting pavers there, as there several pallets of pavers still in the area.
Very nice.
They have been playing around with that project for over a year. It was nothing special. It makes you wonder why.
??? I totally disagree. That area is one of the most unique on our campus, what with the lake, etc. I think this cleans it up greatly, makes it much more functional, and does so beautifully. Remember what it looked like just a few years ago: the eye-sore buildings, old street lamps, crappy plastic thingys blocking u-turns, and a unkempt lake. Now all of those issues are fixed.
Oh...I guess I might have misread that. Apologies if so.
FWIW, I think that it is all these 'little things' that Dr. S is doing for the campus that is so great. While the intersection there was far from derelict, it really needed some touching up. But they went much further than this area adds so much curb-appeal to the campus. Certainly a far cry from where we have been before his arrival, where campus appearance was a very low priority...when it existed at all.
Although I'll also say, given all the huge financial strains we have been through, its a wonder we were not only able to keep the lights on, but also grew stronger in enrollment, etc.
What they did was great. My statement about it being nothing special was there was nothing in the project that was difficult to construct. Some drainage and concrete flat work. DUH. Nothing that they did should have caused this project to take over a year to build. I saw it weekly and from week to week there appeared to be very little progress done. Almost as if there was just one guy working on the project.
Ok, thanks for the clarification...sorry that I misread your response.
Did you happen to notice that there are ~5 pallets of pavers left on Hebrard, across from Bittle? I wonder what these are for....maybe left overs from the main project? Can't be for the Walk of Honor, because that is continuing on McKinley, in front of the U. I tend to think they will be paving around the picnic area....looks like they have started with some site prep there.
Yeah, due to the small amount my first thought was just left-overs, and still might be, but it also might be just enough to do some paving around the oak tree where the picnic tables/vet memorial are.
Also, I forgot to add that I really like the choice in planting they chose for this project: not sure what trees they are, but the ones in front of Moody will provide a nice, shady spot there....with plenty of benches/low walls along it to congregate on. And the Little Gem magnolias on the U side are a great tree, and the ones they planted are great specimens. Plus they have some bald cypress trees right outside Cypress Lake.
Once all the landscaping matures it will make for a truly nice space.
They have removed all of the excess material, brick and other items for the Moody hall Plaza project. It looks like they are just about wrapped up. A little dress up maybe pland some grass and the job is finished.
Well, it’s not a uniform or band thread, but……
New seating added in Cypress Lake Plaza
The newly completed brick border (to match the rest of the border) around Cypress Lake, from Burke-Hawthorne to Cypress Lake Plaza
And I am happy to see they recently re-painted the old ‘Southwestern’ sign above EKL. For those unaware, this sign originally was above the former ‘Southwestern Field’ gym, which was located where McLaurin Gym is now located…..which was right next to the ‘Southwestern Field,’ which was located where the student U is now located, which was replaced by McNaspy Stadium.
They also added new signage for EKL. The oak trees may make it difficult to see EKL, or the ‘Southwestern,’ sign, but by god they are magnificent.
I love the idea of preserving the history.
That sign is great.
I was wondering when someone would mention the sign. I hope the name police won't go after it.
And I guess I posted pics of the new borders along the Lake a little too early, or consider this just an update, but they were not finished: they’ve now added really nice fencing all along the border, from the U on the Burke-Hawthorn side to the new Cypress Lake Plaza. Looks great, and gives the view, especially while driving down Hebrard, a very finished look. Something that was lacking with former ragged chain link fencing.
Looking at the lake from behind Wharton Hall
Closer view from the same location
A couple of views looking towards the U, from behind Burke-Hawthorn
Looking towards Burke-Hawthorn from Cypress Lake Plaza
They have not added fencing (at least not yet) to the portion directly behind the U
There will also be a gate into the Lake, next to the small Burke-Hawthorn parking lot, but it’s not finished yet
Great pictures, thanks for the update!
Great pics.
I love the brick base, wrought iron upper look.