UL’ing it.....I like what you did there!
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I was asked a very interesting question by a student when visiting the lake. I figure someone in our RP brain trust has the answer. When and what are the gators fed at Cypress Lake? I honestly cannot recall ever seeing the gators being fed other than what students would throw in.
Here's hoping the contractor comes back and cleans up. There are metal shards along the edges where drilling occurred.
I still remember walking past gators sunning themselves on the bank right near the sidewalk heading toward Burke Hall. All they had to do was lunge a couple feet if they wanted a snack...
Has to be one. There’s not enough other creatures in the lake to support the gators I observed.
Didn’t we have swans or some other fowl out there at one time? I’m not suggesting UL go back to that. I’m sure a safe space wasn’t budgeted.
UL needs to promote this. It’s amazing, almost every time we go, someone is out there with a camera using the lake for a setting.
Yes, can't say enough how beautiful the lake is.....and it is even more unique than pretty. I wish they would clear out some of the brush along the shoreline on the Hebrard side, so you could get more of a glimpse of it as drive by it. That might entice more folks to stop and look at it.
Ok, and sorry, but I couldn't resist taking a few pics of the plaza and new pier at night with it lit up. If any of you out of towners that are in for the game don't go by and see this area, you are missing something special. Considering how ugly the area was with old the eye-sore buildings, to the beautiful green area it is now is really amazing.
Great pics! The biggest problem with having an off-campus athletic complex is that alumni and fans rarely set foot on campus. UL needs to find a way to connect the two and encourage alumni to visit the main campus prior to going to Cajun Field. Once people park at Cajun Field for a game, provide a free ride and tour of campus and back. A hop on / hop off bus tour. Just a thought to spur some creative suggestions on this. Build a smaller version of the Quad FDL at Cajun Field to help connect campuses. UL now has a beautiful campus and most alumni have no idea of the extensive renovations and building transformation that have taken place.
Is it the power of Ragin Pagin???
Just drove by this a.m. and they have cleared out the tall brush along the Hebrard side. But it looks like the kept the low-lying stuff, so any nests should be ok. Just now as you drive along Hebrard you get a very clear of the lake.....as it should be.
That's what's so great about this admin: not only are they getting the big things done, they are continually also taking care of the details.
The first pic is from google earth, before they cleared everything out, compared to a couple of 'after' pics that a took this morning:
Thanks LaCajunsFan
There’s a lot of nonsense on RP, but a lot more highly prized thinking and knowledge. Nice to see them stealing or borrowing those great ideas as expressed on RP.
I wonder if the plants were knocked down by the cold weather.