Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
If you really want more students why not give them back the entire "student" side. ID'S only, no tickets, no lines, etc
...counter argument, they don't fill entire side.
Well is any "side" full, or are they not filling their side because it isn't theirs???
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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I hear what you are saying and do not disagree. Your just making more points for why weed should be legal. Weed you buy at a dispensary will not be laced with Fentanyl.
I'm just want to see it legal in the hopes of another generation of great music. :)
i still find it hard to buhleeve that dealers are intending to make money by lacing so many things with fentanyl. the theory is old and might have worked in the past, give a little,they get addicted, become customer…. but now, if you kill such a high pct of potential customer there has to more to the story and not sure money is the goal
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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Why do so many of these posts or threads involve students telling parents things about these situations.... I don't really recall me or my classmates telling our parents things that happened to us at school or inner workings of campus organizations. Not sure if that is a good or bad component of this generation or is it being discussed by parents simply inflating (and/or miscommunicating) the flames?
Very true. How many threads lately have we had that weren't exactly accurate when a few questions were asked.
For example...this discussion about MH "threatening to curtail greeks" because of music played during the parade? I mean, what does that mean?
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Very true. How many threads lately have we had that weren't exactly accurate when a few questions were asked.
For example...this discussion about MH "threatening to curtail greeks" because of music played during the parade? I mean, what does that mean?
CF96 never specified that the music was a reason for the Greeks being in trouble. Mel just threw that out as a possibility when ULVictory asked what they did on Homecoming that could have landed them in trouble.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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i still find it hard to buhleeve that dealers are intending to make money by lacing so many things with fentanyl. the theory is old and might have worked in the past, give a little,they get addicted, become customer…. but now, if you kill such a high pct of potential customer there has to more to the story and not sure money is the goal
I seem to recall a certain government poisoning alcohol during prohibition
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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Disastrous effects of archaic and outdated laws and viewpoints.
Supporters and critics make numerous claims about state‐level marijuana legalizations. Advocates suggest that legalization reduces crime, raises tax revenue, lowers criminal justice expenditures, improves public health, increases traffic safety, and stimulates the economy. Critics argue that legalization spurs marijuana and other drug or alcohol use, increases crime, diminishes traffic safety, harms public health, and lowers teen educational achievement.
Both sides have overstated their cases in my opinion. I'm fine with small levels of usage, but not in the public square. Just like smoking in restaurants and bars, why should I have to get high because a person can't make it through the day without smoking a joint?
I'm all for the legalization of medical marijuana for pain management or for management of psychological disorders. I see no difference in it and the use of Xanax, Lexapro and valium that have caused more damage in our society today.
But let me be clear, I do not want people around children of any age smoking pot and operating any vehicle under the influence.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Supporters and critics make numerous claims about state‐level marijuana legalizations. Advocates suggest that legalization reduces crime, raises tax revenue, lowers criminal justice expenditures, improves public health, increases traffic safety, and stimulates the economy. Critics argue that legalization spurs marijuana and other drug or alcohol use, increases crime, diminishes traffic safety, harms public health, and lowers teen educational achievement.
Both sides have overstated their cases in my opinion. I'm fine with small levels of usage, but not in the public square. Just like smoking in restaurants and bars, why should I have to get high because a person can't make it through the day without smoking a joint?
I'm all for the legalization of medical marijuana for pain management or for management of psychological disorders. I see no difference in it and the use of Xanax, Lexapro and valium that have caused more damage in our society today.
But let me be clear, I do not want people around children of any age smoking pot and operating any vehicle under the influence.
I am hearing the Greek life experience is continued to get hammered!
Some kids that are graduating this fall will not get to experience socials.
Our future alumni are being alienated! If the University cannot handle Greek life, find someone who can.