Nunez is dead between the ears... dead legs and arm too. That's what naps has to work with. Dumb dumb unatheletic Qb
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Nunez is dead between the ears... dead legs and arm too. That's what naps has to work with. Dumb dumb unatheletic Qb
We absolutely suck at end of the game 2 minute offense. Suck.
We were down only two scores with 1:50 to go, and we show absolutely no sense of urgency, especially Nunez. Throw the damn ball and snap the damn ball when the clock is running.
Same song and dance that last possession against App State.
Team quit at the end
Sack. Sack. Sack. Interception. I almost wish Troy would have just picked up a first down. What a garbage way to end the game. Those sacks were not all on Nunez, but that dude played his worst game of the year. I’m not counting moo state and Bama.
Bad Bad. Please recruit a competent QB. We get whooped by their backup QB.
Naps needs to run off a few more losers
Drinking didn't help, damn it!
Their WR had almost 200 yards receiving in the first half!
Defense stood up in the second half, and really did a decent job all 60 in the redzone. Refs were awful as usual, but that didn’t cost us the game.
We have a major weak spot at the QB position. Mental errors all over in the first half. Put the ball on the ground too many times. Did not execute offensively.
It’s a miracle that we lost by only 10.
Nunez is a game manager at best. Lewis is an athlete. We cannot ask the QB to do jack ____ but not ___k up. Missing Mitchell was huge. All they had to do was key on Ragas. Game over. They fought hard...but personnel issues reign supreme. 6-6 is all we need to keep recruiting momentum going.