Originally Posted by
_ It is so cool to watch that thing eating away at the building. I watched for 10 - 15 minutes in the cold today. He knocked the floors so that they were kinda just hanging, then he went with that scissor looking tool and clipped all the rebar until the floor fell, then went on to the one below it. I took some pictures from a different angle (from Tulane St.) today. I was so close I was getting misted by the dust suppressor. I'll upload some of the cooler pictures once I get out of this class and get home.
As far as the band, the director is going to be none too happy. I saw a stake in the ground between the parking tower and Angelle Hall that said "BLDG Corner Parking Garage." It was at about the 20 yrd line. There's no way the band will have a full football field to practice on. Normally, we didn't go that far out, except maybe the color guard, but when we learned pregame, that's where we came in from. We'd line up right in front of the Credit Union parking lot and run though it going towards Taft St. Unless he flip flops the field to learn pregame (has them come in from the Taft St. side, I don't know how he'll do it. _