I think that be awesome giving recognition to academics
Attachment 20757
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I think that be awesome giving recognition to academics
Attachment 20757
While I appreciate the nod to veterans, IMO a black football jersey or black helmet is meaningless. Can we finally retire the black jerseys and only wear our red or white jerseys every game? If the powers that be are compelled to invent new uniform combinations for special occasions, focus on the trousers. Its been a very long time ago, but many times in the Marines we ran in camo trousers, combat boots, and red (scarlet) t-shirt. You'd be surprised how many different colors pair well with camo shorts or pants. The Desert Storm battle dress 'cookie dough' camo pattern would pair well with our red or white jerseys. Instantly recognizable, attractive, and very meaningful. This is only one of several camo patterns used over the years by US armed forces. There are several others to choose from if wishing to honor veterans from different eras/different football seasons. Just a thought.
Thankyou CajunVic for the kind words. I created this one for to see what it would look like. The Louisiana Silhouette didnt show up well with the camo helmet, plus if you put it with the pants it didnt look right. So I did both the helmet and pants. I even created a new Cajun Script logo that would go well with the red camo helmet. This is what it would look like if we did it.
Attachment 20767
Please make it stop
Patches and helmet stickers work best for unique events.
That way you still look like you, not someone you are not.
In short, "recognizable"
Best Black look was Iowa State last night with white trim and numbers in white, black helmets with white Cyclones in script on side of Helmets
Military forces wear digital camo because it utilizes a pixelated pattern that creates a "disruptive effect" by mimicking natural environments at various scales, making it harder for the enemy to identify a soldier's shape and outline at different distances, potentially improving concealment in diverse terrains compared to traditional camouflage patterns.
While on the subject of uniforms, Army | Navy have taken their respective '24 seasons (and the culminator) to a new level. Might be the best Army | Navy game in a long time.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/nXE6noYpiVg?si=ux1sIWJzi9bdjUQu" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yeah love the Army, Navy uniforms they use for their game. They go all out on that game.
I know yall get weirded out on the subject of uniforms, but i really think if we did Acadiana flag on the shoulders it would look great it be for one game.
I know yall dont think it would move the needle, but part of the problem we promote Louisiana, but the majority that go to the games are from Lafayette.
Lets start with trying to get Acadiana involved and doing something that recognizes the entire Acadiana region. If you did black yes stick with black and white!! Red Accent is okay to a certain extent!
Just like Iowa State all black what if we did something like this? Just black and white, and throw a Acadiana Flag on the shoulder.
Attachment 20809
I'll take Iowa State, more collegiate than this example