I don't have those numbers. I know initially they were great and growing YOY, but I would bet the last few have not been as good. The NIL is a grassroots group, everyone that has been asked to be on the committee, is a volunteer, we do this in our spare time, not as a job, we do it with passion because we love our university and our athletes and our coaches and want to help. I have met some incredible people through this, that I did not know before I started.
I encourage everyone to go to the
www.kreweallons.com website and donate as little as $10/month. Every little bit that we get helps grow this collective and ultimately helps us keep these athletes here, which in turn helps grow our brand. I am an RCAF donor, not at a ridiculous level at a very modest level, because it is what I can afford to give. With my circumstances with my job, I have not given to the collective (YET), but I have given my time and once I am back to where we need to be work wise, I will also be giving to the collective.
At some point in my life, I want to drive around Lafayette and feel the pride in our local businesses that I feel when I drive around Greenville, NC, Boone, NC and other towns across the country. We need to have every company that supports the Cajuns post on social media how much they support their local teams.
I know I am a forever optimist, but I think we can get there. And I am ready to roll up my sleeves and do what it takes to get there, do you want to be part of the problem or the solution. For all of those that say Martin Hall is the problem, join the collective, we are not managed by Martin Hall, this is a separate group that works with the coaches and athletes under the guise of the rules of what a collective can do.
If you want to see Athlete A in Football, Athlete B in basketball, Athlete C in Softball and baseball or even down to the Olympic sports thrive here, then support the collective, if you want to see guys like Pedescleaux, Brown, Fleming, etc have a chance to want to stay here this is the best way to do so.
We won't keep every player here, it is impossible with the state of the NIL deals and transfer portals, but I will say this right now. We have athletes here that are coveted by other schools, P5, G5 and everywhere in between. If we want them to stay here, we need to give them a reason to do so.
If you were at the DoubleTree event last week and had a chance to spend 5 minutes with any of the basketball players that were in attendance (as I did, I think I spoke to at least 6 of them personally) these kids thought this was the greatest thing they had ever seen and it was all about them. This was personal for them, they saw the support the community can give to them. There were smiles from ear to ear on these young men. I spoke to 3 different men's basketball coaches that night as well and they all said the same thing.....1st class event and we need to keep the momentum going and we will. I am committed, the committee is committed, and our leader is committed. We will have no weak link in this group, the person that got me involved is quickly becoming a very good friend and he will tell you; we barely knew each other before he asked me to be a part of this.
He does post here occasionally, and I will tell you, his entire family is committed to the success of this university. We need more like him.
Sorry for the rant, but I love this group and I am becoming more and more passionate about it.