Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
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Since the time of our first president everything outside of the quad was constructed. Just to rattle off a few, Griffin, Legacy Park, Vet Village, Cajun village, they new area by the Red Zone store, the new student union, BI Moody, Bourgeois, Moncla, Cajun Field, Tigue Moore, Cajun Dome, the APC, the research park on cajun dome across congress street. Can you either confirm or deny that no Oaks were injured in the construction of any of these buildings?
You know the answer to that. Improvements sometimes mean removing cherished trees, buildings, and other structures.
But none of the oaks were ever removed because someone thought that UL would impress more people without them.
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
“Just saw” what you quoted here posted on FB by “someone else”?
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
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“Just saw” what you quoted here posted on FB by “someone else”?
That was in fact posted by "someone else". Not the same guy.
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
To anyone who cares, the phrase is, “I couldn’t care less”.
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
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You know the answer to that. Improvements sometimes mean removing cherished trees, buildings, and other structures.
But none of the oaks were ever removed because someone thought that UL would impress more people without them.
My answer would be is that the trees in question do impede the beauty of the 65 million dollar facility. I could ride around the main campus or go to Girard park and see all the trees one could ever want to see. I don’t see the purpose in building a 65 million dollar facility and hide it with trees. I mean they are just freaking trees. We talking about trees just move them as they are out of place where they stand now.
I love how some of you on here could swear we are talking about murdering a baby or something. We talking about moving a few freaking trees.
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
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My answer would be is that the trees in question do impede the beauty of the 65 million dollar facility. I could ride around the main campus or go to Girard park and see all the trees one could ever want to see. I don’t see the purpose in building a 65 million dollar facility and hide it with trees. I mean they are just freaking trees. We talking about trees just move them as they are out of place where they stand now.
I love how some of you on here could swear we are talking about murdering a baby or something. We talking about moving a few freaking trees.
They do not in any way impede the beauty of the facility.
A baren facility is an abandoned facility.
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
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I don’t see the purpose in building a 65 million dollar facility and hide it with trees.
Perhaps the purpose is to accomadate thousands of fans to watch the Ragin Cajuns football team beat the ____ out of their opponets. Not to look aesthetically pleasing from the Rouse's parking lot.
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
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They do not in any way impede the beauty of the facility.
A baren facility is an abandoned facility.
How many store fronts, restaurants, bars, theaters… have you seen in your life time with huge trees or anything else blocking their ability to be seen from the road? I can recall 0 in my 55 years. I don’t know how you define impede or obstruct a view? I define them as to when something is being blocked by something else and it enables one to see the blocked object. As of this morning on my way home from Reds the view of the 65 million dollar stadium was impeded / obstructed from the trees in front of it from both Bertrand and Congress.
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
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Perhaps the purpose is to accomadate thousands of fans to watch the Ragin Cajuns football team beat the ____ out of their opponets. Not to look aesthetically pleasing from the Rouse's parking lot.
Then thats just a waste of money. We could have done that in the old stadium. I think you are wrong if you look at the design of the outside of the building there is no doubt they are trying to impress with the design.
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
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Then thats just a waste of money. We could have done that in the old stadium. I think you are wrong if you look at the design of the outside of the building there is no doubt they are trying to impress with the design.
And you are trying hard to get worked up over a few oak trees.
Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field
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And you are trying hard to get worked up over a few oak trees.
Not at all. I am really worked up over the stupidity that left the trees in the view of the 65 million dollar beautification investment. The trees didn’t make that decision. It’s not their fault.