I did not have a good look but was told Broussard did not run a good route on pick right before half. Interceptions are often not solely the responsibility of just the QB. It is a team game.
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I'm always hesitant to criticize the play calling. I have a background in game theory, and I am aware that a) you play moneyball (i.e., what do the stats recommend) and b) football is a weird game in that each play is not independent of the last plays. What you call now, allows you to set up a play for the next down, or further down.
For instance, you may run up the middle, or pass short, or throw long, fairly sure that you probably won't get much. But because the other team sees that play, they have to commit players to that possibility, which frees up other parts of the field. It really is an elaborate game of 'chicken' crossed with Texas hold'em.
Having said that, one of our past OC's once showed some of us how he picked plays. He used a grid, and picked the next play based on what he had picked in the last few plays, trying to move methodically around general categories.
I watched with horror. Give me any computer programmer and we could predict, with great certainly, what he was going to call every second or third play.
I hope we're smarter than that now.
Are you suggesting we rely on AI algorithms?