Yeah, that is what I heard, he would not have had to apologize for the spin Rebel put out.
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Yeah, that is what I heard, he would not have had to apologize for the spin Rebel put out.
Right you did. You said not as outrageous I misquoted you.
First of all, prayer by students is not strongly limited in public schools. There are no limits placed on student prayer unless they become disruptive. For example, a Muslim student can pray silently in school at any time. However, a Native American student can't stand up in the middle of a biology lesson and start rain dancing in the middle of class. The fact that a prayer may or may not burden an atheist has nothing to do with anything.
The type of prayer that is banned in public schools is school-sponsored prayer, and it is banned because it violates the establishment clause. There are three criteria that are used to determine whether religious criteria is constitutional or not:
- It must have a secular purpose;
- It must neither advance nor inhibit religion
- It must not result in an excessive entanglement between government and religion.
I also think it is worth noting that most of these challenges to state-sponsored school prayer came from CATHOLIC and Mormon families who didn't want the state teaching their kids a different religion from theirs. If your kid went to school in Utah, or went to school in a heavily populated jewish or muslim area, I think you would start to appreciate the establishment clause a little more.
Second, political speech is the most protected form of speech we have, and rightfully so. There are almost no limits to what you can say when you are talking about politics. And again, what few limits there are are not there because someone somewhere might get offended. You have no right to not be offended in this country. I'm not a lawyer, but even if Coach Hud wanted to discipline these kids, as a public employee, he probably still couldn't do so without opening UL up to a slam dunk civil rights lawsuit.
Third, I do agree with you that Hud should have a discussion with them about having consideration for others. I feel like our fan base would also benefit from such a discussion.
“It’s also disappointing that so many people have vilified a few 19-year-olds making some immature decisions, and then they were the same ones that voted for someone that has done much worse by grabbing a female in the private areas for the office of the (President of the) United States of America.”
Please don't tell me what I read. He said "some of the same people vilifying these 19 year olds voted for trump who grabbed women's private they are hypocrites."
What he is not taking into account is trumps opponent is the biggest crook to ever seek the position and should be in jail. All the "hypocrites" that voted for trump didn't really have much of another choice.
Apples (Trump) and Oranges (UL players) question, what discipline did Hud issue to the four players. He said he took care of it. In what way. Are is that to much to ask? Harris also is trying to sugar coat this with his comments on the DA today. Our emotions got the best of us...I guess all of this is in the silent stage also.
I think Trump would be the Orange.
Jack, I'm upset that I instantly knew how it would outrage people. There's a seriousness at several levels. Some people are disgusted over the behavior itself. Some people were disgusted that it was video'd and leaked to the public. Some people were disgusted over Hud defending it in the terms he chose. But in no case am I mad at anyone that is upset about any of the prior mentioned issues.
Why are the fan reactions being questioned? Seriously? I knew instantly that this would infuriate some fans I know. THAT is what upsets me. I know people that do give and support the university that I believe are walking away from it. I know others that I'd like to see return to the fold... and this is probably going to eliminate them. They are entitled to feel the way they do... and to do with their money and time whatever they choose. I'm disgusted by this. We never can have anything worth a damn at UL without knotheads messing things up.
And for anyone that thinks losing RCAF members and money is "replaceable". You are a moron. With money... we'll attract ample athletes. Without it... we're screwed. Think otherwise and stay in a dumb dark place the rest of your life.
If this does not start taking the tone of pure contrition on the part of UL... and all surrogates of UL... we're going to pay a heavier price. It's not even in question. Some of the classiest existing long term financial supporters of our university have spoken up. And if you tell them they are "over reacting"... and that "we don't need them anymore"... you need to think again.