Did Favre play at McNaspy or at Cajun Field?
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Did Favre play at McNaspy or at Cajun Field?
He played at Cajun Field and lost. Brian Mitchel beat him every time he faced him! The day we beat USM with Farve, we also beat Georgia that night in the Cajun Dome! That was a good day to be a Cajun fan! It was 85 or 86'....
I was there for those contests, and remember them well.
Also, Don Bragg was a competitor at the Southwestern Relays in 1961. He won the pole vault at the Rome Olympics in 1960.
John Pennel was a world record holder in the pole vault, and I hate to mention this, but he represented NLU (now ULM). However, I don't recall him winning the Olympics.
I remember Billy Cannon throwing the shot put for LSU, and running the 100 yard dash - unusual combination by today's standards.
It was a very long time ago, but the Southwestern Relays were known far and wide back then.
Cannon was know justifiably so as the fastest shot putter or the strongest sprinter in the world!!!
Didn't see a rendering of the garage, so thought I would post it. Also, I read that it will also be "fronted by a Liner building," that would include "commercial/academic space." But I don't see that on the rendering....unless the view in the pic is of the rear of the building. If anyone can shed light on this, please do.
That is a nice looking parking garage ... makes me want to go parking again!
I read somewhere that the entrance to the garage will be from Girard Park Cir and not from E Lewis st. Not sure if this correlates to the pic.
When mcNaspy was torn down years ago I thought a great idea would be to build an international student building for academic, historical, cultural, culinary, etc purposes ---it would have been an oval type structure with each country having a designated room with all sorts of articles etc. from the individual countries---It would have been built with monies from all the countries and have certain articles on loan ------ like Latin American FG kickers, distance runners from Ireland and African countries, and women shot putters from East Germany!!!! lol