Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Just go back to page one.
Baldwin looked like option 5, but we had our back up against the wall.
"Baldwin wasn't UL's first choice to replace Stokley three years ago. He wasn't even second or third. By the time Dave Cully, Rich Rodriguez and Chris Scelfo had taken themselves out of the running, the Cajuns were deep into the 1999 recruiting campaign and time was running out in Martin Hall. The LSU assistant coach and Troy State head coach Larry Blakeney were the last candidates standing and Authement chose Baldwin."
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
Cajun Monkee
Just go back to page one.
August 2002 ... when memories were fresh.
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
August 2002 ... when memories were fresh.
And eyes could....see.
And perceptions enter the....Twilight Zone.
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
In a thousand words or less, how did Jerry Baldwin "happen". I was busy, very busy at the time and other tan seeing him being interviewed with a tooth pick hanging out of his mouth, didn't know much about the guy.
This University should turn around and file a law suit against any and all of the S.O.B.'s involved in the process that allowed that clown to be hired here in the first place! As part of their punishment, they should all be made to keep and hold a toothpick in their mouth for the rest of their lives!!! The clown, disguised as a coach, should also be responsible for returning the money he stole from the University in the form of a salary for the period of time he was here.
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Watch it Duggie, toothpick may be thought of as a "racist sliver of wood".
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
You don't even have 6 good posts in the past 3 years and that is with 77 chances; what should we do with you?
Whatever you do, I will sue.
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
This University should turn around and file a law suit against any and all of the S.O.B.'s involved in the process that allowed that clown to be hired here in the first place! As part of their punishment, they should all be made to keep and hold a toothpick in their mouth for the rest of their lives!!! The clown, disguised as a coach, should also be responsible for returning the money he stole from the University in the form of a salary for the period of time he was here.
It did help get Ma Blanco elected though.... so theres that!
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Changing the conversation to E, L, R could have stopped this tangent in his suit.
E was prior to B, while L and R were subsequent to B.
This alone makes his current angle unfounded.
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
Cajun Monkee
And eyes could....see.
And perceptions enter the....Twilight Zone.
I saw what you did there....nice.
This whole thing is like herpes. The gift that keeps on giving.
Kinda like the rednecks and their bowl and dog blunders
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
Kathleen Blanco, while I disagree with her ideology, is someone I've been able to respect. Her husband on the other hand, and utter piece of ____.
I remember it like it was yesterday. August 1971, USL campus. Mom, dad and I attended a pre-regristration function held by Dean Ray Blanco. He was head of student affairs or something similar. Not long into his presentation he says, "now parents, if you're concerned, or need to know something about child, you pick up the phone and call us, that's why we're here". Okay, that sounded good, they liked that.
Fifteen minutes later he was ranting about kids getting into trouble being away from home and says, "if you think your kid has gotten into trouble, don't call our office, we don't know what your kids are up to".
Dad looked at mom with a WTF-look on his face and mom says, "this guy's a loon". LOL
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
Look I'm as sorry about not getting Blakeny and Jerry Instead, but he didn't take the fall. He was caught cheating on national TV. That's why his career started and ended as the HC of Triy.
Not the story that was repeatedly told at the time. Show me the TV clip and I'll believe what you are saying. But that is the first time I have heard that angle. Not buying it.
Originally Posted by
Bicky Rustle
Not the story that was repeatedly told at the time. Show me the TV clip and I'll believe what you are saying. But that is the first time I have heard that angle. Not buying it.
Whatever, could care less if you believe it. No doubt he and Dye were bad guys together.
Re: Jury awards losingest Coach in UL History $2 million
Originally Posted by
Let me try and shed some light on some things.
This suit was originally thrown out by the same judge who heard this case. On appeal, it was reinstated to state court with the appeals court stating that a jury should hear it.
The jury was made up of six men and six women, six white and six black.
The jury, for the most part, knew nothing about sports.
There's no question that emotion, not facts, played the biggest role in the jury's decision. They found the University liable for breach of contract as well as racial discrimination.
Nelson was named personally in the lawsuit as well and as a result, is personally liable.
When you appeal something like this, only the facts mean anything. I am confident that JB will never see this kind of money.
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
Bicky Rustle
Not the story that was repeatedly told at the time. Show me the TV clip and I'll believe what you are saying. But that is the first time I have heard that angle. Not buying it.
It was a 60 minutes investigation, Blakeney is heard telling a recruit "Now, keep it on the down low, cuz."
Google is your friend.
Re: Baldwin Trial
Originally Posted by
Like you have time for that over the next 15 days?
I know, right?
The UL attorneys, gratefully, are being as cooperative as possible working around my schedule. Monday I only have the coach's show and I'm hoping they call me then.
After Tuesday at noon I'm in New Orleans for baseball, then the tournament. I told them I could do early Tuesday AM.
They wanted me toward the end of their case like they did last time, but that just isn't going to work I appreciate their working with me on this.
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
What court is this taking place at?
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
What court is this taking place at?
1 Attachment(s)
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
What court is this taking place at?
Baton Rouge
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
Baton Rouge
damn Jay when it rains, it pours..
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
damn Jay when it rains, it pours..
You ain't lying.
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
Baton Rouge
jay, i'll call you today with a limerick that will help you thru cross-x.
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
jay, i'll call you today with a limerick that will help you thru cross-x.
Because of basketball prep, I won't be on air today. But thanks.
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Originally Posted by
Because of basketball prep, I won't be on air today. But thanks.
Plus you are getting your fro puffed up too!
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
Baldwin was fired in 2001 and 15 years later we're still fighting this legal battle. Our legal system is broken.