UAB beat S. Miss ---well that was on another Board---This could match UL and S Miss maybe!!!
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UAB beat S. Miss ---well that was on another Board---This could match UL and S Miss maybe!!!
S. Miss still has a one game lead in their division and hosts Memphis to close out their schedule. If they lose to Houston in the CUSA championship game they will probably go to the Liberty if Houston goes BCS. The remaining CUSA schedule is really a bowl eligibility playoff down the stretch and should be fun to see play out.
I was hoping UAB would bring em down. Go Blazers!
In town for Shipley gala and games, contact me, am at Hilton.
Sent private message last night, has my cell phone.
If Houston loses to Tulsa, SMU, or to USM in the CUSA Championship game, they won't be going to a BCS bowl. I don't think Houston will win all three. A Houston loss will make it probable that UL faces USM in the NO Bowl. This is the best case scenario for the New Orleans Bowl, and I think it will happen. Would the Dome sell out? Maybe not, but even if it doesn't, a UL/USM matchup will still mean a record crowd for the NO Bowl.
Not happening, Oiler. If Houston LOSES to USM, the Mustard Buzzards will be in the CUSA # 1 bowl. Even if Houston loses one to Tulsa or SMU AND beats USM, the Mustard Buzzards still probably won't be in the New Orleans Bowl. I doubt seriously that they would fall that far [to # 5 pick] before being selected.
It's not (necessarily) the #5 pick.
Just as the SEC lists Cap One, Cotton and Outback as SEC 2-3-4, it's not in any particular order.
After the Liberty, CUSA officially lists the rest of their bowls as CUSA 2-3-4-5
While geography isn't the sole criteria for slotting the bowls, it's important.
Doesn't the NO Bowl get the 5th CUSA "pick". I think VO made sure and stated "#5 pick"... not "5th place" team. I'm trying to understand what you mean by "not in any particular order". I know that the "picks" don't line up with the "ranking"... but if I look at the bowl tie-in and see "CUSA #5"... doesn't that mean that the NO Bowl waits until the bowls that have #1 through #4 have invited and secured their selection before they get their pick?
Another question... if there were only 4 CUSA teams that get bowl eligible... can the bowl that has, for instance, the #3 CUSA tie-in... pass on CUSA and invite some team they prefer outside of CUSA... as long as the bowls that have #4 and #5 CUSA picks work it out to get the 2 remaining CUSA bowl eligible teams?
My apologies if I wasn't clear.
VO is correct in that he didn't state "5th place team."
But, after LIberty, the four remaining CUSA bowls work together to try and get the teams slotted that will generate the best revenue.
For instance, St. Petersburg would always like a Florida team first. Now, if they have the same team year after year, they'll want to change, but that's the rule of thumb.
If the bowls are fighting over who they want, then the pecking order comes into play.
But, like the Cap One, Cotton and OUtback, they usually come to a consensus.
Therefore, it's VERY possible if HOuston is in the Liberty, Southern MIss could wind up in New Orleans.
There's a matrix which isn't published but is sent out to commissoners, AD's and the like, which lists the bowls and where their choices fall.
In that matrix, every bowl that CUSA has, other than Liberty is listed as CUSA 2,3,4,5.
That differs from the projections you see because those folks don't know any better.
Hope I did a better job this time.