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Team arrives on Tuesday. Is anyone arriving that early?
I'll 100% be there on Thursday, thinking about Wednesday too.
Flying down friday afternoon, have to work Thursday.
Congratulations Cajuns on an outstanding year! Your first bowl experience is always an exciting time and the fact that you all get to play in New Orleans, whomever the opponent maybe is also very exciting. However, it doesnt look like it will be Louisiana Tech. Assuming, we take care of business against New Mexico State, we are headed to San Diego to face TCU.
Good luck in your Bowl!
Wish I could go earlier but I will make it down on Friday. Wife is a teacher and she will be giving put mid terms all week. As soon as school let's out Friday, we will be on our way.
will be in Fri for an evening of Bourbon St fun, then French market and begneits in the morning, a good lunch then on to the dome for some pregame action
Daughter graduates from UL that day so it will be a FULL day. Graduation at 9 a.m. Graduation lunch for inlaws and outlaws at our house and everyone has been told we heading east no later than 4 p.m. I've waited 25 years for this graduation and 41 years for this bowl game. Two mile stones in one day. Life is GOOD! Go Cajuns.
Me and my 20+ guests will be there early Friday morning.
Thanks! It probably is the "first bowl experience" for 90% of the Cajun fans since the last bowl was in 1970. Even though you Techsters are rotten scumbags (ha)... it's very cool of you to extend the congrats. Congratulations to you guys as well on an excellent 2011 football campaign and good luck in your bowl. Your last bowl experience is also one you should cherish (haha).
This. The ticket office will begin calling folks shortly in order of priority as has been mentioned here previously. It will take them a few days to several days & let's not forget it is Thanksgiving this week so patience is a virtue. I have no doubt they will do everything they can to take care of everyone wanting seats. God Bless & GO Cajuns.
Priceline's "Name Your Own Price" has yet to do me wrong in the Convention area.
Crowne Plaza on Canal
Well I've been drinking alot this weekend so I got alot of warmth to go around. Good luck to you guys and and also NIU so that y'all don't meet up in the Boise bowl. Playing in 20 degress in front of 200 fans. That would be awful.
Attachment 5878
I Keid... I Keid. See ya in the near future.
The Ragin' Cajuns appearance in this year's New Orleans Bowl will be their first bowl game in 41 years. "This is a tremendous day for the Ragin' Cajuns and our football program," said ULL athletic director Scott Farmer. "I think it's one ...
LAFAYETTE – Paul Valteau and Billy Ferrante have been passing out official invitations to the R&L Carriers New Orleans Bowl for 10 years now ... to 20 teams, in all, since the 2001 inaugural between North Texas and Colorado State.
Geaux CajunNation!!!!
i plan on having a steak at dickie b's in my mouth by 6pm followed by a frothy liquid dessert
Time to troll WKU