Pine isn't even good to burn.
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Pine isn't even good to burn.
Concrete sidewalks were placed this past week for the new entry plaza.
<a href="" title="dec-9-8 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="352" alt="dec-9-8"></a>
Plaza as seen from the steps to Girard Hall
<a href="" title="dec-9-7 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="339" alt="dec-9-7"></a>
Another feature of the Plaza. I would assume a sitting area or some sort of monument.
<a href="" title="dec-9-6 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="341" alt="dec-9-6"></a>
The old sun dial from 1916 rescued from the old rose garden and placed in the new rose garden.
<a href="" title="dec-9-9 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="332" height="500" alt="dec-9-9"></a>
Looks like they are trying ti finish up but the weather won't cooperate.
A few views of the new entry plaza.
As seen from the circle drive to Martin Hall.
<a href="" title="jan-6-9 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="309" alt="jan-6-9"></a>
Another view from the circle drive
<a href="" title="jan-6-10 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="378" alt="jan-6-10"></a>
A view back to Martin Hall. This is the walkway from the University Ave/Johnston Street gate heading to Martin Hall.
<a href="" title="jan-6-11 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="342" alt="jan-6-11"></a>
I was wondering about this, thanks HelmutVII
A few photos of the new entry plaza near Girard Halll.
A view from the circle looking to Girard Hall.
<a href="" title="jan-20-11 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="jan-20-11"></a>
Another view from the circle looking to Johnston Street.
<a href="" title="jan-20-12 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="384" alt="jan-20-12"></a>
Looking back to Martin Hall, The circular sidewalk is where the old side walk had a circle with a pine tree at the center.
<a href="" title="jan-20-13 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="259" alt="jan-20-13"></a>
Close up of the brick work in the circle shown above.
<a href="" title="jan-20-14 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="344" alt="jan-20-14"></a>
No rain this past week has allowed them to get some work done. I
Photo from the Circle leading to Martin Hall.
<a href="" title="jan-27-6 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="305" alt="jan-27-6"></a>
Close up of circular patio .
<a href="" title="jan-27-5 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="356" alt="jan-27-5"></a>
Looking back to Martin Hall.
<a href="" title="jan-27-7 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="300" alt="jan-27-7"></a>
Orphaned sledge hammer.
<a href="" title="jan-27-8 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="407" alt="jan-27-8"></a>
Marker for the first Oak tree to the right of the entrance to the circle leading to Martin Hall
<a href="" title="jan-27-9 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="jan-27-9"></a>
Will. Vermillion hall and the other building next to it be renovated as well. Those are two of the saddest looking building I have seen on a major university. They can really do a lot with that location with it next to the swamp.
I might have got the name wrong, conplete opposite side of the union that was just demolished. If union is 12 o clock then this building is 6 o clock
Vermilion Hall and Lafayette hall are the OLD Corona and OLD Olivier halls (commonly referred to as the eyesore buildings). along with Guillory Hall (currently being used for food service) will be demolished.
Looks like they are almost finished with just a little clean up and landscaping to do. Just in time to get it smashed by the Mardi Gras crowds.
A view of Girard Hall from the Martin Hall circle.
<a href="" title="feb-3-4 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="360" alt="feb-3-4"></a>
Looking back to Girard Hall with East University Ave to the rear of the camera. Martin Hall to the left.
<a href="" title="feb-3-5 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="feb-3-5"></a>
Renovated entry plaza from the main gate is finished.
A view from the Martin Hall circle looking to the University Johnston street intersection.
<a href="" title="feb-24-7 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="396" alt="feb-24-7"></a>
Another view from the Martin Hall circle.
<a href="" title="feb-24-8 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="337" alt="feb-24-8"></a>
Looking back to Martin Hall
<a href="" title="feb-24-9 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="326" alt="feb-24-9"></a>
University Ave facade of Girard Hall
<a href="" title="feb-24-10 by Clark Field, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="346" alt="feb-24-10"></a>
Wow 7 sidewalks in . . . or is it out :)
Because one of the new residence halls is named Corona Hall. They renamed Olivier Hall to Vermilion Hall because the new parking garage is named Olivier Parking Tower. It really doesn't matter what the old buildings will be called because they will be demolished soon after the Student Union renovation is completed.
I thought it was because Tjoe is a Dos Equis man
They have been replacing the windows on Decluet Hall since last week. These guys worked on Christmas Day. they are doing a very good job.
This is a view of an old and new window side by side.
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They started marking the bike paths on St. Mary. The truck below is a Thermoplastic Pavement marking rig. They melt plastic and place it on the pavement to make a stripe. The plastic is very hot and it is another fairly dangerous piece of equipment to be around. It takes a steady had at the steering wheel to get straight lines.
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Before the plastic cools they distribute glass beads over the hot plastic. The beads stick to the plastic after it cools and makes the stripes more reflective.
I tried to get a photo of the glass beads without getting run over by traffic. I don't think they showed up too well
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some parts of the country mix recycled glass in their asphalt. The pavement sparkles at night.
This is a better photo of the glass beads, they are to the right of the stripe and they look like powder.
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