Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
It appears to be the end of the line for former Louisiana head football coach Jerry Baldwin and his quixotic quest for money from the university, which in 2001 fired him — three years into a four-year contract and after the then-woeful Cajuns had compiled a 6-27 record under his leadership.
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
So it took how many juries and judges to realize he wasn't "terminated"? He was paid his full salary with all the benefits the job entitled, except of course, what winning would have brought!
Hopefully, now put to bed.
Maybe next year, when we travel up to rustonville, we can stop in and see the Reverand.
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Sorry Baldwin! Maybe if you had spent as much energy coaching the team you would have done better than 6-27
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Hey, Jerry.
____ you.
Thanks for nothing.
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Just like the attendance at his games...there are no more butts in the seats to hear Jerry's case. Close the book...
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Don't close the book just yet. His racial discrimination claim is still alive and will be set for trial.
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Come on guys, Reverend Do-Right is a man of god.
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Originally Posted by
Don't close the book just yet. His racial discrimination claim is still alive and will be set for trial.
Correct. It's been continued three times this year alone. This part still has to be taken care of.
It's not over...yet.
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
The continuances allowed UL to argue (and win) the dismissal of his breach of contract claims in the Louisiana Supreme Court.
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Is he getting his money for attorney fees for the bucket being passed around his so called house of God..........
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Originally Posted by
Is he getting his money for attorney fees for the bucket being passed around his so called house of God..........
No, he made out like a bandit on the private school voucher program. His school went from 39 Students at $2,400 a year tuition.....then the added 217 voucher kids at 8,500/year tuition (the mx allowed by the state)..That is nearly 2 million a year. They put those kids in a banquet hall, cordoned off 30x30 classrooms with ropes. He is a career con-artist and pathetic excuse for a human.
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Originally Posted by
Don't close the book just yet. His racial discrimination claim is still alive and will be set for trial.
Should we be waiting for Obama & Holder to "investigate"??
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Originally Posted by
Should we be waiting for Obama & Holder to "investigate"??
Pardon me ... uh, I mean pardon Jerry
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Originally Posted by
The continuances allowed UL to argue (and win) the dismissal of his breach of contract claims in the Louisiana Supreme Court.
-----How about if Raoul becomes the official attorney for the RP Board---He is upset I know that we aren't going to the Bahama Bowl to take his Bahama Mama Boat if he could get it back!!!! lol
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
Some people are greedy, blind and just plain stupid. FAILING seems to follow this moron and his blow buddy.
This guy is really high on himself....6-27 and lucky.....if he'd been at a place like Florida, he would have been gone after the first season. Racial discrimination my arase......the guy couldn't win football games and he blames everyone except the person in the mirror. He needs to get a life.
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
It's hard to imagine a bigger scumbag that this guy.
Re: Jerry Baldwin Loses (Again)
By the way, how did he do as a basketball coach last week?
Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga
What a huge Effing scumbag.