Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019
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At one point during Andrew I was trying to look out one of the windows and actually felt the window bow. Decided then it was time to go find a safer location. And the house was certainly rocking.
And the house we were in was about 100 years old and made of all the wood in the world. We were scared ____less when you could SEE the walls shaking. Moved to the innermost room and wore out the prayers.
Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019
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And the house we were in was about 100 years old and made of all the wood in the world. We were scared ____less when you could SEE the walls shaking. Moved to the innermost room and wore out the prayers.
For Hurricane Audrey, my dad and his entire family were in his grandparents home in Prairie Gregg, the marsh south of Erath and Delcambre. The women of the family prayed the Rosary until the storm passed. He always told me that he didn't know what scared him more, the house groaning from the winds or the women praying louder and louder as the storm would get louder.
That house didn't make it through Rita. Storm surge cut it in half.
Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019
Man, we need some sunshine around here. Let me pump a little on this glorious morning.
Be it the spring floods, 2016, Barry, or whatever, HE NEVER gives us more than we can handle. And however these situations arise, it is HIS will being done.
Be thankful this Sunday morning for the dry air that has made this a prolonged rain event. Kept the low pressure from organizing with the rain and feeding the storm, which possibly been more dire.
As far as God's timing and not let things happen again, don't think it can't happen. Puerto Rico, USVI and other islands got two cat 4 - 5 storms 11 days apart in '17. USVI went 25 years without a major hit until then.
And we did flood in '16. And we were and are blessed. It's all perspective.
Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019
My 3 favorite reads in times like these.
James 1:13_God didn't cause this.
Ecclesiastes 9:11 Stuff happens
Ecclesiastes 7:12 Think things through, protect yourself. It's a God given ability.
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Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019
Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019
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Also in the 4th quarter against the rams.
Typical A--hole remark by a bitter underachiever who probably blames God for all your failures. i get it.
Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019
The good news is the storm surge is officially over now. of course I'm sure Charlie K will have some stupid comment about me stating this as well even though i'm standing here watching the water go back out into the sea.
Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019
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Lol......That would explain things.
.....time to sit at the piano ....sing and play some’s a Beautiful Morning!!!
Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019
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My 3 favorite reads in times like these.
James 1:13_God didn't cause this.
Ecclesiastes 9:11 Stuff happens
Ecclesiastes 7:12 Think things through, protect yourself. It's a God given ability.
and mine,
Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven."