It's just a joke.
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A good attorney would have pointed this out. Of course a good attorney wouldn't have written this crappy contract the way it was interpreted to begin with. Let's face it. This was the lowest point of a school adminsitration who drug this community & it's repuatation into the abyss. I feel for Nelson because personnaly I liked the guy, but this school was being run by a survivor of the deepression era who just couldn't get over it. A lot of stuff happened between the depression and the the 21st century. But you wouldn't know it to look at Aurhement's record.
Couldn't we offer the throw in a hundred years of toothpicks? :rolleyes:
The Louisiana Supreme Court has granted a writ filed by former UL head football coach Jerry Baldwin, now a north Louisiana minister, in his bid to get money after being canned by the university following the 2001 season.
The rest of the story
Pray Baldwin because you have a better chance going to hell than granted money. No lawyer here, but who pays for this case?
Our court system never ceases to amaze me.
Come on guys, he won games. It was like 3 but they were wins!
He was paid his salary for his contract, I cannot imagine why he thinks he deserves more.
This is absurd to go on this long. Surely the high court will out this nonsense to bed once and for all.
His attorney is a "loyal" alumni...
I thought Louisiana was an "at will" State.
I hope the court is hearing it so they can put a firm stance on it and set it as precedence. I don't understand how someone would have a law suit when they were paid their entire contract of employment.
He made for a lot of stressful nights in our household
This ____ sucker just won't go away
Does anyone know what evidence the Plantiff has against the University? Or does anyone know where I can find details on the original case or the appeal?
I'm really surprised the LA Supreme Court decided to resurrect this thing.
This should be good news.. Rest of state issues must be perfect for the state to waste time and money on this travesty. Higher Ed, Common Core, insurance, fraud and dirty politicians, roads.. Must be all cleared up
Oh wait..
I thought he won his case, and the dispute was the value?
The jury felt he was not treated fairly because of race, and thus did not get the things a coach needs to succeed. He had more than Stokley, less than Bustle, who got less than Hud. Seems like a trend here to me.
This doesn't just hurt Jerry Baldwin. This hurts every black coach in the country who wants a head coaching job. A precedent has been set that a terrible 6-27 coach that ruined a program can still get a $2 million judgment in his favor if he claims he was fired because of racism. I think it's safe to say every AD in this state is going to think twice before they hire a black coach out of a fear of opening themselves up to that kind of liability.
It does make one wonder about how this keeps coming up. Baldwin now runs a Christian school in <duh duh duh> . . . Ruston.
Not just any christian school. It's a christian school that basically stole State voucher money, teaches it's students with D___, and has some of the lowest test scores in the state.
Jerry Baldwin is worse than scum.
I'm not posting it on here, but you can read the judgement by Googling Jerry Lee Baldwin versus the Board of Supervisors of the University of Louisiana System. TThis case sues Nelson Schexnayder individually as well. In terms of discrimination, UL proved he was fired for poor performance. So, it is strictly a matter of evidence of discrimination. I don't believe Baldwin has a case. I believe he's trying to prove that coaches that preceded and superseded him were treated better and given more support... and they were white. He wishes to base some difference in support on his ethnicity. Anyone with a brain knows UL didn't have anything against him for being black. We wanted a successful football program and he was black when he was interviewed and hired.
nuff said.