Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
I believe that I read he was in prison during some of those crimes.
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
Originally Posted by
It's actually cheaper to give him life in Angola than pay for a death penalty case and all the appeals that go along with it.
He'll have lots of fun in Angola. I hear rapists are treated real nice there.
There is a show on the Animal Planet about the inmates at Angola. Animal Planet. Very Fitting. If he could not control a 105 lb female, NO WAY he will be able to protect himself from the Animals at Angola.
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
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In Lafayette Parish it would have been hard getting a jury to hand out the DP. Justice was served to a lot of people today other than Lavergne. The Shunicks, the Pates, and others that haven't had their story in the news got justice as well. Hopefully a few other families can get closure before this is said and done.
There is no justice in a case like this. Closure & some healing is about the best you can hope for as a parent. Justice will only be administered by the Almighty on judgement day.
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
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Yes, to think that he initially attacked her near Blackham is just strange.
anyone have link to this story
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
Originally Posted by
anyone have link to this story
This looked like the most comprehensive that I saw earlier.
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
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Till you die. Life sentences in La. are all without parol. Just about everyone who goes to Angola, dies at Angola I think I have heard.
My Lafayette PD buddy and his state trooper dad are saying that a life sentence in the state of Louisiana is 60 yrs. since he is serving two life sentences your statement is correct although I highly doubt he even half way finishes the first of the two unless they put him in solitary the moment he gets there.
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
Originally Posted by
Yes, to think that he initially attacked her near Blackham is just strange.
No its not really. After Dean St, there are no lights along the road, since the roads are private and on university land. I used to drive home there from downtown all the time, its really creepy back there. There is no excuse for a spot centrally located in Lafayette to not be lit.
Anyway, I'm happy the family and friends have closure. I hope he lives a long, regretful, pathetic life.
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
For those who think he got off easy ask yourself this. Would you rather have poison shot in your veins and be done or spend the rest of your life in Angola when everyone knows what you taken door number 1, he's screwed as he should be.
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
Wrong, Life in Louisiana is natural life. The sentences are consecutive, so if he somehow figures a way to get past the natural life concept, then he has another life to do. Done deal.
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
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My Lafayette PD buddy and his state trooper dad are saying that a life sentence in the state of Louisiana is 60 yrs. since he is serving two life sentences your statement is correct although I highly doubt he even half way finishes the first of the two unless they put him in solitary the moment he gets there.
That is incorrect. He was sentenced to life without parole. Only hope of getting out is governor's pardon or commutation. 1st degree murder-only legal sentences are death or life without parole. Anything less would be an illegal sentence.
Re: Lavergne Sentenced today
Originally Posted by
For those who think he got off easy ask yourself this. Would you rather have poison shot in your veins and be done or spend the rest of your life in Angola when everyone knows what you taken door number 1, he's screwed as he should be.
My boss is good friends with the warden at Angola...they are always notified when scum like Lavergne comes in...word gets to the inmates on who did what to get in there. His time will not be fun. That's as close to justice as you can get. For ending the life of an innocent...he will for the rest of his natural life have to look over his shoulder for someone trying to "run him off the road" to speak.